《落日》《南征》《閣夜》《八月十五夜月》杜甫 (712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《落日》      《Sunset》

落日在簾鉤  The setting sun hangs on my screen hook
溪邊春事幽  Early spring affairs flow in murmuring brook
芳菲緣岸圃  Riverbanks green emanating fragrance sweet
樵爨倚灘舟  Woodcutters rest on mooring boats to eat
啅雀爭枝墜  Birds bicker for falling sprigs
飛蟲滿院遊  Swarming all over the courtyard are ephemerides
濁醪誰造汝  It matters not how liqueurs are distilled
一酌散千憂  One sip will dispel hundreds of cares to nil 

《南征》   《Migrating South》

春岸桃花水  Peach blossom in spring adorn river shores tides high
雲帆楓樹林  Above maple woods clouds float sail-like
偷生長避地  A refugee all my life a place to settle I seek
適遠更沾襟  Adapting to distant strange lands I often weep
老病南征日  In old age and sickness I now move south
君恩北望心  Still remembering my Emperor’s grace I look north
百年歌自苦  In this my sad life I sing bitter songs
未見有知音  I’ve yet to meet someone to sing along

《閣夜》 《Night Lodge》

歲暮陰陽催短景  At the transition of old to New Year time goes swiftly
天涯霜雪霽寒霄  Under a snowy dark sky distant fields cold and dreary
五更鼓角聲悲壯  Towards dawn bugles and drums roar mightily
三峽星河影動搖  Up at the Three Gorges surging waves mirror the galaxy
野哭千家聞戰伐  In the wilderness families wail fearing war levies
夷歌數處起漁樵  Fishermen and woodcutters sing foreign songs at ease
臥龍躍馬終黃土  Zhuge and other wise men perish in dust eventually
人事音書漫寂寥  Records of victory or defeat remain events in history

《八月十五夜月》《Moon On Mid-Autumn Festival》

滿目飛明鏡  Dazzled by moonshine all over the sky
歸心折大刀  I long for home cutting pain my plight
轉蓬行地遠  For years I had roamed far away
攀桂仰天高  Wishing to touch the moon’s Cassia each day
水路疑霜雪  The water ways seem frozen in ice
林棲見羽毛  Throughout the woods roosting birds occupy
此時瞻白兔  To understand the mythic Hare in the moon this instant
直欲數秋毫  I try to see its furs by number and identification

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