《無題》 《No Title》
自古英雄多好色 All heroes love beauties since old
好色未必皆英雄 Not all beauty lovers are mighty and bold
吾輩雖非英雄漢 Though a hero I am not
唯有好色似英雄 I love beauties as a hero ought
《遊華山感懷》 《Touring Huashen》Zhang Xue Liang
極目長城東眺望 I gaze far eastward from the Great Wall
江山依舊主人非 The same hills and rills my Governor reigns no more
深仇積憤當須雪 Sources of deep hatred and anger must be retorted
披甲還鄉奏凱歸 In armors I will return home victory songs resonant
《詠華山》 《On Top of Huashen》
偶來此地竟忘歸 I come here not often still linger to forget home
風景依稀夢欲飛 Scenes as familiar as in happy dreams roam
回首故鄉心已碎 Remembering my birthplace my heart breaks to pieces
山河無恙主人非 The master had changed though hills and rills exist
《柳老渡台來訪》 《Elder Liu Visits Me in Taiwan》
十載無多病 For ten years I ill not an instant
故人亦未疏 Old friends have not left me distant
餘生峰火後 This life surviving war and seizure
唯一願讀書 Reading quietly remains my only wish