《入都 [其一]》《In the Capital (1 of 10)》李鴻章 (1823-1901) 江紹倫英譯

丈夫只手把吳鉤  I stand a man in hand a long hook my feat
意氣高於百尺樓  With a will high as a tower of one hundred feet
一萬年來誰著史  Ten thousand years of history who will write
三千里外欲封侯  Three thousand miles away who be knights Continue reading

《池上篇》李鴻章 (1823-1901) 江紹倫英譯

《From the Pond》    Li Hong Zhang



十畝之宅  In ten acres a house I dwell
五畝之園  A garden occupies half the dell
有水一池  A pond water beaming
有竹千竿  A thousand bamboos surrounding
勿謂土狹  It is not a place too small
勿謂地偏  Not away from a port of call
足以容膝  Suffice for me to sit
足以息肩  Suffice to quell my worry wisp
有堂有庭  With a hall and a yard to stroll
有橋有船  With a bridge and a boat to row
有書有酒  Books and wines
有歌有弦  Songs and strings
有叟在中  An old man sits in peace
白須飄然  His white beard flows at ease
識分知足  He knows himself and satisfaction
外無求焉  And cares little about other nations
如鳥擇木  姑務巢安Like a bird roosting in a chosen secure tree
如龜居坎  不知海寬Like a hare in its hole caring not the wide sea
靈鶴怪石  With a garden of spirited rock cranes
紫菱白蓮  A pond nurturing nuts and white lilies
皆吾所好  These my likings
盡在吾前  All in my presence Continue reading