《客亭》《舟前小鵝》《又呈吳郎》《江邊星月二首》杜甫(712-770)  江紹倫英譯

《客亭》《Passing Lodge》

秋窗猶曙色  Tis an autumn dawn outside the window
落木更天風  Through the naked trees whipping winds blow
日出寒山外  From beyond the cold hills the sun rises
江流宿霧中  Amid lingering fogs the river meanders nigh
聖朝無棄物  Our Imperial Court abandons no one resourceful
老病已成翁  Sickness and aging have made me unable
多少殘生事  What else could be important in a life dwindling
飄零似轉蓬  Everything drifts willing or unwilling

《舟前小鵝》《Geese Before My Boat》

鵝兒黃似酒  Geese swim before my boat their beaks yellow as wine
對酒愛新鵝  How I love to sample them in dishes wine and dine
引頸嗔船逼  Approaching my boat they stretch their necks to defy
無行亂眼多  And swarm freely about to dazzle my eyes
翅開遭宿雨  Some of their pinions hurt by the rain last night
力小困滄波  Now they fuss on making ripples far and nigh
客散層城暮  At dusk the town gloomy people leave to quit
狐貍奈若何  No one will stop the foxes preying on the weak

《又呈吳郎》《A Reminder for Master Wu》

堂前撲棗任西鄰  Let our west neighbour come to gather dates from my tree
無食無兒一婦人  A lone woman poor and childless is she
不爲困窮甯有此  This situation arises purely because of her being poor
只緣恐懼轉須親  Please let her feel at ease inside our door
即防遠客雖多事  And not be reminded by me from afar any more
便插疏籬卻甚真  There is no need to erect a fence in our yard because of her
已訴征求貧到骨  Her destitution is the result of high taxes for war
正思戎馬淚盈巾  On thoughts of this unending war tears roll to wet a cloth

《江邊星月二首》《Moon and Star by Riverside, Two Poems》

驟雨清秋夜  A sudden downpour renders the autumn night serene
金波耿玉繩  The moon’s golden rays keep the stars illumined
天河元自白  The Milky-Ways is forever bright
江浦向來澄  The river reflects crystals dancing and white
映物連珠斷  Strings of pearls visually severed by radiant fire
緣空一鏡升  When the moon presents in the sky a huge mirror
餘光隱更漏  The night spent the time-dripper takes over
況乃露華凝  In the wild dews cool their drops appear rounder

江月辭風纜  From above the river the moon takes leave
江星別霧船  Viewed from the fog-veiled boat stars disappear
雞鳴還曙色  When cocks crow to herald in the morning hue
鷺浴自清川  Egrets bathe happily in the shimmering rill
歷歷竟誰種  I wonder who had planted the cassia in the moon
悠悠何處圓  And where she will share her perfect and happy mood
客愁殊未已  In my roaming life sorrow dominates my mind
他夕始相鮮  In another night I shall fly to sit by her side

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