《減字木蘭花》王安國(1028-1074)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Lily Magnolia Short Form》Wang An Guo

畫橋流水                   Beneath the painted bridge waters glide
雨濕落紅飛不起     Wet by rain fallen petals can no longer fly
月破黃昏                   The moon breaks through twilight
簾裡餘香馬上聞     Fragrance from your curtain stays with me on my ride
徘徊不語                   I linger in silence
今夜夢魂何處去     Wondering in tonight’s dreams whither my presence
不似垂楊                   Unlike the free flowing willows
猶解飛花入洞房     They shed catkins to fly visiting your pillows

何日君再来 When will you come again

Tr. YK Chan

沈 华 词 苑宏昭 曲 Shen Hua, lyrics; Yun Hongzhao, melody


好花不常开 Beautiful flowers don’t always bloom
好景不常在 Beautiful sceneries don’t always show
愁堆解笑眉 Sadness desolates all smiles
泪洒相思带 Tears drench longing ties
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again
喝完了这杯 Bottoms up then
请进点小菜 Please have a bite
人生能得几回醉 How often in life do we really get inebriated
不欢更何待 If you don’t enjoy life now, still awaiting what
来, Come on,
喝完这杯再说吧! Let’s finish this glass before anything else!
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again
停唱阳关叠 Stop singing the farewell tune
重擎白玉杯 Cheering again with our precious glasses
殷勤频致语 Diligently and frequently we chat
牢牢抚君怀 I hold you tightly by your chest
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again
喝完了这杯 Bottoms up then
请进点小菜 Please have a bite
人生能得几回醉 How often in life do we really get inebriated
不欢更何待 If you don’t enjoy life now, still awaiting what
哎! Aya!
再喝一杯,干了吧!One more again, bottoms up!
今宵离别后 After we part tonight
何日君再来 When will you come again

《南鄉子》王安石(1021-1086) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Southern Country Song》Wang An Shi

自古帝王州                              This capital had been home for emperors since old
鬱鬱蔥蔥佳氣浮                       Lush green and rich blooms seen in majestic mode
四百年來成一夢 堪愁   Four hundred years passed like a dream sad and sorrow
晉代衣冠成古丘             Contemporary laureates had tombs same as ancient burials

繞水恣行遊                              Along the river I travel at will
上盡層樓更上樓                       Up the city wall I ascend high to view
往事悠悠君莫問 回頭   Ask not what past events gone or faded
檻外長江空自流                       Beyond the rail the Yangzi flows on to no avail

《江城子》秦觀 (1049-1100) __ 江紹倫英繹

《Tune: A Riverside Town》 Qin Guan
西城楊柳弄春柔 Willows play with the vernal breeze in west town
動離憂   I pine for you
淚難收   Tears anew
猶憶多情   Remember how I express my love for thee
曾為繫歸舟  Holding your boat not letting it leave
碧野朱橋當日事 The fields green and bridge red like yore
人不見   I see you not again
水空流   Water flows in vain

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《滿庭芳: 夏日漂水無想山作》周邦彥(1057-1121) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Fragrant Courtyard_ Summer Thoughts》Zhou Bang Yan

風老鶯雛 In balmy winds young orioles learn to fly
雨肥梅子 Rains abundant plums thrive
午陰佳樹清園 In the mid-day sun the tree spreads round and cool
地卑山近 Surrounding the small plain hills seem nigh
衣潤費爐煙 Our clothes wet getting dried on smoky fire
人靜鳥鳶自樂 In the quietude people sit while birds make merry
小橋外,新淥濺濺 Beyond the red bridge a green stream chatters leisurely
憑闌久 On the rail I lean my mind preoccupied
黃蘆苦竹,疑泛九江船 Identifying myself with the fate of a poet friend in exile
In the tangle of weeds and bamboos
His life condemned in taboo Continue reading

秋水伊人 贺绿汀

秋水伊人 My Beloved On Parting Waters
Tr. Yiu-Kwok Chan 陈耀国英译

原唱:龔秋霞(1937年) Original singer: Gong Qiuxia (1937)
作詞:賀綠汀 Lyrics: He Luding
作曲:賀綠汀 Music: He Luding
編曲:丁曉理 Arrangement: Ding Xiaoli

Looking far out on parting waters, the shadow of my beloved is nowhere seen
In the dying small hours, a lone crane whoops several times
Bygone passion has just been replaced by forlorn sights
夢魂無所寄,空有淚滿襟。 Continue reading

《梅花引》蔣捷 (1245-1305)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Plume Melody》Jiang Jie

白鷗問我泊孤舟      A white gull asks me while I moor my skiff
是身留              Is your body staying
是心留              Is your heart staying
心若留時                   If it is your heart
何事鎖眉頭          Why show a knit brow
風拍小簾燈暈舞      Lamp shadows dance with wind on the window
對閒影              Watching the aimless shadows
冷清清              Cold intensifies cold
憶舊遊              As I recall past travels Continue reading

《西江月》辛棄疾 (1140-1207) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Moon Over West River》Xin Qi Ji

萬事煙雲忽過   Ten thousand affairs gone like clouds and haze
一身蒲柳先衰   A hundred years of willows withered away
而今何事最相宜  What is best for me to do at present?
宜醉                                     To get drunk
宜遊                                     To leisure
宜睡                                     To sleep Continue reading

《長相思》納蘭性德 (1655-1685)

《Tune: Longing for You》Nalan Xingde

山一程                                    Legging hills far
水一程                                    Legging rills far
身向榆關那畔行        Toward lands outside the Pass I go
夜深千帳燈                Past midnight a thousand tents aglow Continue reading