《南鄉子》王安石(1021-1086) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Southern Country Song》Wang An Shi

自古帝王州                              This capital had been home for emperors since old
鬱鬱蔥蔥佳氣浮                       Lush green and rich blooms seen in majestic mode
四百年來成一夢 堪愁   Four hundred years passed like a dream sad and sorrow
晉代衣冠成古丘             Contemporary laureates had tombs same as ancient burials

繞水恣行遊                              Along the river I travel at will
上盡層樓更上樓                       Up the city wall I ascend high to view
往事悠悠君莫問 回頭   Ask not what past events gone or faded
檻外長江空自流                       Beyond the rail the Yangzi flows on to no avail

《示長安君》王安石 (1021 – 1086) __ 江紹倫英譯

《To My Sister》  Wang An Shi

少年離別意非輕  Parting with you in our youth is lamentable
老去相逢亦愴情  Reuniting again in old age our affection mellow
草草杯盤供笑語  Joyfully we chat while eating simple dishes
昏昏燈火話平生  Sharing our life experiences in dim light at ease Continue reading

《勘會賀蘭山主》王安石(1021-1086) __江紹倫英譯

《Meeting the Master of Mount Helan》Wang An Shi

賀蘭山上幾株松  How many pines are growing in Helan Mount
南北東西有幾峰  How many peaks stand in all directions around
買得往来今幾日  You dwell in here since how many days ago
尋常誰與坐従容  Who sits with you at ease in days usual

Poems on Chess Games translated by Kong Shiu Loon

夢中作       北宋  歐陽修(1007~1086)

in dream_e

夜涼吹笛千山月  路暗迷人百種花  棋罷不知人換世  酒闌無奈客思家 

Written in My Dream      Ouyang Xiu

My flute tunes invite the moon to shine on a thousand hills
The roads a maze with hundreds of flowers bloom in goodwill
Whence our chess game ends the world has changed we know it not
Drinking in leisure does not keep me from pining for home a lot

對棋與道源至草堂寺    宋 王安石(1021~1086) Continue reading

《桂枝香-金陵怀古》 王安石 宋(1021-1086) _江紹倫譯

《桂枝香-金陵怀古                  王安石  宋(1021-1086)

登临送目  正故国晚秋 天气初肃
千里澄江似练  翠峰如簇
归帆去棹斜阳里  背西风  酒旗斜矗
彩舟云淡  星河鹭起  画图难足

念往昔  繁华竞逐  叹门外楼头  悲恨相续
千古凭高  对此漫嗟荣辱
六朝旧事如流水  但寒烟  衰草凝绿
至今商女  时时犹唱  《后庭》遗曲

Tune: Fragrance of Laurel Branch  Wang An Shi (1021-1086) 江紹倫譯 

I clime up high to cast eyes far
In this late autumn the old country marvelous
The weather sublime and cool
The limpid river like a belt winds a thousand li
Emerald peaks tower in vivid relief
Sails rush home as the sun sets in diminishing heat
Fluttering tavern banners against west winds compete
‘Neath pale clouds painted boats merrily float
Towards the Milky Way egrets sour up to note
A grand sight no artist can capture in brush strokes Continue reading

書湖陰先生壁—王安石 (公元1021一1086)


Written on the Wall of  Master Hu Yin                江紹倫譯

The cabin is swept spotlessly clean no moss will grow
Shrubs and flowers line the yard he planted with a single hoe
A stream nurtures the paddy fields brazing ever so green
Distant hills open the door their verdant beauty dwells in

Happy New Year 2010

元日 王安石(1021~1086)2010 Happy New Year


New Year’s Day           Wang An Shi (1021-1086) (江紹倫譯)

On a sound of firecrackers we bid farewell to the year old
As vernal breezes warm up the Tu Su brew we welcome the new
The sun shines visiting thousands of family doors
Every door displays new couplets to celebrate the New Year for all

漁家傲 王安石(1021~1086)



Tune: Fisherman’s Pride                   江紹倫譯

Small bridges linking smooth banks on the lap of hills
Sapphire water meanders through floral and grass mazes in a rill
Thatched cots stand around their windows so neat
No dust here
Vernal breezes sweep them away thither and hither

From my noonday noose I wake to hear birds sing
Their chirps loud like cocks crowing the dawn in
I realize in a flash people do pass away when old
‘Tis alright to have dreams to hold
They help me forget that one day I too have to go

元日 王安石(1021~1086)


Lunar New Year’s Day          江紹倫譯

On a sound of firecrackers we bid farewell to the year old
As vernal breezes warm up the Tu Su brew we welcome the new
The sun shines visiting thousands of family doors
Every door displays new couplets to celebrate the new year for all