《西江月》辛棄疾 (1140-1207) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Moon Over West River》Xin Qi Ji

萬事煙雲忽過   Ten thousand affairs gone like clouds and haze
一身蒲柳先衰   A hundred years of willows withered away
而今何事最相宜  What is best for me to do at present?
宜醉                                     To get drunk
宜遊                                     To leisure
宜睡                                     To sleep Continue reading

辛棄疾(1140-1207) 茶詩選譯 __江紹倫

《定風波 * 暮春漫興》《滿江紅 * 題冷泉亭》《杏花天》《滿江紅》

《定風波 * 暮春漫興》辛棄疾(1140-1207)
《Tune: Calm Wind and Wave * Late Spring》Xin Qi Ji

少日春懷似酒濃  Spring felt like aged brew in days youthful
插花走馬醉千鍾  Playing games on horseback I drank wine a thousand cups filled
老去逢春如病酒  In old age all springs evoke wine rueful
唯有     Exception
茶甌香篆小簾櫳   A bowl of fragrant tea behind drapes low Continue reading

《水龍吟·登建康賞心亭》辛棄疾 (1140-1207) 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Water-Dragon Chant·At Jiankang Riverside Tower》Xin Qi Ji

楚天千里清秋  A thousand li of autumn color in southern sky
水隨天去秋無際  Water meets sky in endless autumn dye
遙岑遠日  I gaze on far-off northern hills
獻愁供恨  Feeling sorrow mixed with hatred still
玉簪螺髻  Seeing spiral shells and hair décor of jade flowers
落日樓頭  The sun sets behind the tower
斷鴻聲里  A swan song come and gone early
江南游子  This lone wanderer is in southern territory
把吳鉤看了  With my precious long sword
欄干拍遍  I bang on every railing
無人會,登臨意  But no one understands why I am up this tower Continue reading

《南鄉子•登京口北固亭有懷》辛棄疾 (1140-1207)_江紹倫譯

南鄉子 (登京口北固亭有懷)       辛棄疾 (1140-1207)

何處望神州  滿眼風光北固樓
千古興亡多少事  悠悠  不盡長江滾滾流

年少萬兜鍪   坐斷東南戰未休
天下英雄誰敵手  曹劉  生子當如孫仲謀

Tune: Song of the South     Xin Qi Ji  (1140-1207)  江紹倫譯
Reflections Ascending the Tower at Jingkuo

Where is my godly home in the Central Plain
Seeing but northern country I searched in vain
In the drift of time dynasties thrive and wane
Slowly and at ease
Following the Yangtze’s flow ceaselessly

The young Sun had a garrison of ten thousand at his command
Steel-willed he defended all of the southeastern land
If you ask who could be his equal in this noble land
Cao and Liu
Cao had a son like Sun Zhong Mou

《永遇樂•京口北固亭懷古》__ 辛棄疾(1140-1207)_江紹倫譯

Tune: Joy of Eternal Union
Pining for Ancient Heroes at Jingkou    Xin Qi Ji  (1140-207)           

The boundless hills and rills of yore
Nowhere can I find the king defending the SouthShore
Gallant deeds on dancing stages and singing halls
Washed away by cold winds and driving rain
Whence the setting sun touches the grass and forest again
And the houses amid the unadorned lanes
Where the defeated king had lived in shame
In the other bygone years
Soldiers on armored steeds carrying golden spears
Claiming like tigers a ten thousand li territory on Central Plain

His son launched in haste a Northern Campaign
Defeated on Wolf Mount he shed tears in vain
I remember three and forty years ago
How the Capital Yangzhou was burned by the Jurchen foes
Away my memory
How the enemy ancestral hall
Worshipped in rolling drumbeats and crow calls
Dare anyone ask
If the aging general Lian Po
Is strong enough to win back the Capital of yore

西江月 (宋) 辛棄疾 (1140-1207)


明月別枝驚鵲  清風半夜鳴蟬  稻花香裏說豐年  聽取蛙聲一片
七八個星天外  兩三點雨山前  舊時茅店社林邊  路轉溪橋忽見

Tune: Moon Over West River  辛棄疾(1140-1207) 江紹倫譯
(On my way home through the Yellow Sand Ridge)

My presence startled magpies leaving the moon-lit trees
Cicadas shrill at midnight in the gentle breeze
The sweet fragrance in the rice fields promises a bumper year
In celebration frogs croak their chorus I happily hear

High in the sky seven or eight stars twinkle
This side of the hill two or three raindrops sprinkle
I recall a small tavern near the village woods
There it appears where the path leads to the bridge over the brook

破陣子 (宋) 辛棄疾 (1140-1207)


醉裡挑燈看劍  夢迴吹角連營  八百里分麾下炙  五十弦翻塞外聲  沙場秋點兵
馬作的盧飛快  弓如霹靂弦驚  了卻君王天下事  贏得生前身後名  可憐白髮生

Tune: Dance of Cavalry  Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207) 江紹倫譯
(In response to Chen Liang)

Drunken we till lamps bright to check our resting glaives
Bugles reverberate from tent to tent in our dreams
Our warriors ate beef grilled on hot sand in banner shades
They sent martial airs beyond the frontier by fifty strings
‘Twas an autumn maneuver in combat exercise

Gallant steeds galloping at top speed
Our bows twanged in thundering heat
We recovered lost sovereign land for empire glory
And won fame for ourselves in life as in death
Grey hair ours to keep

晚春 辛棄疾(1140-1207)


寶釵分      桃葉渡           煙柳暗南浦

怕上層樓    十日九風雨

斷腸片片飛紅      都無人管

鬢邊覷            試把花卜心期      才簪又重數

羅帳燈昏    嗚咽夢中語

是他春帶愁來      春歸何處    卻不解將愁歸去

Late Spring                 Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207)            江紹倫譯
Tune: Hearing Zhu Ying Tai

Ever since our parting
As I pass the dock at Peach Leaf
Willows drawn the south bank with grief

I dread going upstairs again
Winds and rains are seen nine days out of ten

Red petals fall one by one so heart-rending
Who would care for my feeling
Who could ask the oriels to still their singing

Steeling a glance at my hairpin on head
I count the gathered petals your returning date I anticipate
Putting the hairpin back I again count and anticipate

In my curtained bed I see but the flickering lamplight
I choke even in dreams calling you as you take flight

Could grief be so much a part of spring I say
Whither goes spring
Why it would’nt carry grief away

摸魚兒 辛棄疾 (1140-1207)


更能消      幾番風雨    匆匆春又歸去
惜春長怕花開早    何況落紅無數
春且住      見說道      天涯芳草無歸路
怨春不語    算隻有殷勤  畫檐蛛網    鎮日惹飛絮

長門事      準拟佳期又誤      蛾眉曾有人妒
千金縱買相如賦    脈脈此情誰訴
君莫舞      君不見      玉環飛燕皆塵土
閑愁最苦    休去倚危欄  斜陽正在    煙柳斷腸處

Tune: Catching Fish   Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207) 江紹倫譯

(On transfer from Hubei to Hunan I wrote this as Wang Cheng Zhi feasted me)

How much more wind and rain can spring uphold
As it must forthwith recede when old
Lovers of spring are concerned seeing buds in hurry bloom
For early flowers usually shed their red petal too soon
Spring O Spring stay
I’ve often heard people say
Sweet grass roaming wide are doomed to go astray
Silently spring remains
When busy spiders weave webs on painted eaves day by day
To catch willow downs before they are blown away

What could a consort do
As nuptial dates are foregone when due
A favoured beauty will turn envy eyes naturally
Even if love could be bought by songs readily
To whom could she complain this overlooked affection
Keep your dance stationed
You must have seen
How beauties fat and slim to dust they turned in
Unjust sorrows are bitterest to swallow
Where the sun sets heart-broken are the willows

書江西造口壁 (宋) 辛棄疾(1140-1207)


鬱孤台下清江水    中間多少行人淚    西北是長安  可憐無數山

青山遮不住  畢竟東流去  江晚正愁餘  山深聞鷓鴣 

Written on the Wall of Zaokou      Xin Qi Ji(1140-1207)江紹倫譯

‘Neath the Gloom Terrace two rivers flow
The water contains so much tears of refugees on the road
To the northeast I gaze looking for our lost Capital
Sadly all I see are but hills

Hills verdant cannot block my view
Eastward the rivers continue to flow
Would they care for my heart’s ills
I hear partridges cry from among distant hills