谷口書齋寄楊補闕 (唐)錢起(722-780)

泉壑帶茅茨        雲霞生薜帷
竹憐新雨後        山愛夕陽時
閒鷺棲常早        秋花落更遲
家童掃蘿徑        昨與故人期

To My Friend Yang From my Study Qian Qi(722-780)        江紹倫譯

Around my cottage a winding brook meanders
To my straw screen clouds leave their colours
Bamboos look affectionate when newly washed by rain
Hills love the sun in its setting splendour
Idle stocks roast in their places early before the eve
Autumn flowers here are slow to shed their leaves
My house boy has swept clean the overgrown path for thee
A dear old friend I earnestly waiting to see

六月二十七日望湖樓醉書 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)


Composed at Lakeview Pavilion When Drunk   Su Shi(1037-1101)       江紹倫譯

Dark clouds like spilled ink veil not every hill
White rains dash into boats like beads randomly drilled
Hurled from the ground a sudden gale dispersed clouds on high
Beneath the Lakeview Pavilion water is same as sky

武陵春 (宋)辛棄疾(1140-1207)

走去走來三百里    五日以為期    六日歸時已是疑    應是望多時

鞭個馬兒歸去也    心急馬行遲    不免相煩喜鵲兒    先報那人知

Tune:  Spring in Peach Blossom Country        Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207)          江紹倫譯 

To complete a round trip of three hundred li
It would take five days you told me
Now I suspect it may take an extra day
And worry anxiety may overwhelm your wait

Asking my horse to gallop more hurriedly
My impatience grows as it trots but slowly
Shouting to a passing magpie I ask it to help me
Fly quick to let my friend know home I shall be

西江月 遣興 (宋)辛棄疾(1140-1207)

醉裡且貪歡笑    要愁那得工夫    近來始覺古人書    信著全無是處

昨夜松邊醉倒    問松我醉何如    只疑松動要來扶    以手推松曰去。

Self-reflection        Xin Qi Ji  (1140-1207)                 江紹倫譯
Tune:   Moon Over the West River                   

I love to laugh in delight even when drunk
No time to grieve
Books of ancient saints may say their fill
Those words should ne’er be taken seriously still

I got drunk beside a pine tree last night
It asked me why I like being drunk
I sensed the tree was trying to hold me right
Keep off I said and pushed away its trunk

清平樂 (南唐) 李煜 (937-978)

別來春半    觸目柔腸斷    砌下落梅如雪亂    拂了一身還滿

雁來音信無憑    路遙歸夢難成    離恨恰如春草    更行更遠還生

Tune:  Serene Music    Li Yu(937-978)                 江紹倫譯

Spring is half gone since we parted
My heart breaks where’er it tries to park
Mume blossoms fall like scattering snow
They cling on me though I brushed them off minutes ago

The geese came bringing no message from you
Home is too far even in a dream
Parting griefs are like grass in spring
They thrive however far I walk trying to leave them behind

烏夜啼 (南唐) 李煜 (937-978)

昨夜風兼雨    帘幃颯颯秋聲    燭殘漏斷頻倚枕    起坐不能平

世事漫隨流水    算來一夢浮生    醉鄉路穩宜頻到    此外不堪行

Tune: Crow Cries By Night      Li Yu (937-978)                 江紹倫譯

Raining wind soughed all night long
My door screen rustled like an autumn song
Water clock drips kept me from sleep after candlelight died
I got up from bed with a disquiet mind

All things drift gone like water in a perishing stream
Life floats but like a dream
Let’s frequent the road to beautiful drunkland
Nothing else is worth raising a hand

《菩薩蠻》 李煜(937-978)



《Tune:  Buddhist Dancer》        Li Yu (937-978)        江紹倫譯

Bright flowers veiled in thin mist under dim moonlight
‘Tis an opportune time to venture your way my love
With torn stockings in fragrant steps I tread
Holding my slippers sown with golden thread

We meet south of the painted hall
In your firm embrace trembling I fall
‘Tis not easy for me to meet you often
So do caress me every way as you please

天淨沙 秋思 (元)馬致遠(1260-1334)


Autumn Thoughts          Ma Zhi Yuan   (1260-1334)                     江紹倫譯         
Tune:  Clear Sky Over Clear Sand                     

Dry vines old trees a confused crow
Small bridge flowing water a cosy family
Ancient road west wind a skinny horse
The setting sun goes down west
A broken-heart stays afar

金縷曲 慰西溟 (清) 納蘭性德(1655-1685)

但由他    天公簸弄
須知道  福因才折
背高城  玉笛吹成血

且乘閑    五湖料理
須不羨  承明班列
任西風  吹冷長安月

Comforting a Friend    Nalan Xingde  (1655-1685)                江紹倫譯
Tune:   Song of Golden Tread

Why reinforce misery
Leave it to the power on high in a wee
Insist not in being sully
Life is more disappointing than satisfactory
Most people complain not in history
Heaven dislikes the able and favours the ordinary
I relax on my rude couch to watch the Dipper
Beyond the city wall a flute laments its cadence bitter
A drum booms out the hour from the watchtower
The night is darkest in the small hours

A man ought not to seek patronage
On a boat light as a leave
I sail the five lakes in glee
‘Tis useless to waste tears copious like autumn rain
Let sad feelings loose on a wide plain for butterflies to wing
Do not envy people in government office
Trapped in the dizzy whirl of endless business
Let the west wind blow in the capital by moonlight
O solemn temples
Floral snow

〈尋芳草‧蕭寺紀夢〉 (清) 納蘭性德(1655-1685)

夢相伴    綺窗冷和

準擬待    曉鐘敲破
乍偎人    一閃鐙花墮

Dream in a Temple     Nalan Xingde  (1655-1685)                   江紹倫譯
Tune:  Looking for My Lover

How could I pass the night in this inn
With you in my dream
Sharing poems by the window
You cajole in a giggle
Were it not for pitying your yearning
Would I’ve come into your dream

You and I come and go in too much rush
When we are surely together
To last till bells toll in the morning
I wake to recall you fell off my arms in a light dimmed
Before me a radiant world confronts me with a big beam