烏夜啼 (南唐) 李煜 (937-978)

昨夜風兼雨    帘幃颯颯秋聲    燭殘漏斷頻倚枕    起坐不能平

世事漫隨流水    算來一夢浮生    醉鄉路穩宜頻到    此外不堪行

Tune: Crow Cries By Night      Li Yu (937-978)                 江紹倫譯

Raining wind soughed all night long
My door screen rustled like an autumn song
Water clock drips kept me from sleep after candlelight died
I got up from bed with a disquiet mind

All things drift gone like water in a perishing stream
Life floats but like a dream
Let’s frequent the road to beautiful drunkland
Nothing else is worth raising a hand

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