武陵春 (宋)辛棄疾(1140-1207)

走去走來三百里    五日以為期    六日歸時已是疑    應是望多時

鞭個馬兒歸去也    心急馬行遲    不免相煩喜鵲兒    先報那人知

Tune:  Spring in Peach Blossom Country        Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207)          江紹倫譯 

To complete a round trip of three hundred li
It would take five days you told me
Now I suspect it may take an extra day
And worry anxiety may overwhelm your wait

Asking my horse to gallop more hurriedly
My impatience grows as it trots but slowly
Shouting to a passing magpie I ask it to help me
Fly quick to let my friend know home I shall be

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