《贈與同窗好友》《贈諸友 》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹論英譯

《贈與同窗好友_(1906)》 朱德  《To My Classmates_(1906)》 Zhu DeZhu De

驪歌一曲思無窮  Many thoughts rise after we sang the Auld Lang Syne
今古興亡憶記中  Our motherland had gone through many a fall and rise
污吏豈知清似水  The beauty of pure waters is not known to officials vile
書生便應氣如虹  A learned man should be radiant as a rainbow in high sky
恨他狼虎貪心黑  I hate those greedy villains with dire selfishness
嘆我河山泣淚紅  I sigh seeing my country in teary distress
祖國安危人有責  The security of our motherland is our responsibility
沖天壯志付飛鵬  I mount the sky-bound legendary bird fly ever ready

《贈諸友_(1908) 》 《To My Friends (1908)》Zhu De Continue reading

《蝶戀花·榆林港(一九五九)》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

ye jian ying《蝶戀花·榆林港(一九五九)》葉劍英

日逐寒流尋雁去  風雪關山  不礙雲中路
飛到榆林天已暑   夏秋只隔三朝暮

到鹿回頭濱海處  紅豆離離  佔斷天涯路
淺水藍魚梭樣去   教人疑是龍宮女

《Tune: Butterfly loves flowers_On Yu Lin Port (1959)》Ye Jian Ying Continue reading

《八十書懷》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《八十書懷》葉劍英Ye Jian Ying

八十毋勞論廢興  長征接力有來人
導師創業垂千古  儕輩跟隨愧望塵
億萬愚公齊破立  五洲權霸共沉淪
老夫喜作黃昏頌  滿目青山夕照明

《Thoughts at Eighty_1977》Ye Jian Ying

At eighty I need not be concerned with successes and failures
Continue reading

《登祝融峰_1938》葉劍英(1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

葉劍英《登祝融峰》《On Top of Zhurong Peak》Ye Jian Ying

四顧渺無際 The view is unlimited on all sides
天風吹我衣  My coat flap is blown open by winds high
聽濤起雄心  The roaring sounds in the pines invoke my fighting will
誓盪扶桑兒  I vow to submit the invading dwarfs to kneel

《五十六歲生日三絕》陳寅恪(1890-1969) 江紹倫英譯


《My Fifty-sixth Birthday》Chen Yin Ke

去年病目實已死  My eyes blinded last year a dead man was I
雖號為人與鬼同  Living as man I was in ghostly sight
可笑家人作生日  I laughed when my family held a birthday party for me
宛如設祭奠亡翁  As if an oblate act to enliven an old dead man to be Continue reading

《憶故居_1945》陳寅恪(1890-1969) 江紹倫英譯

《憶故居_1945》陳寅恪chen yinke

渺渺鐘聲出遠方  依依林影萬鴉藏
一生負氣成今日  四海無人對夕陽
破碎山河迎勝利  殘餘歲月送悽涼
松門松菊何年夢  且認他鄉作故鄉


《Remembering My Old Houses _1945》 Chen Yin Ke

The toll of bells heard faintly from a distance Continue reading

《晓出净慈寺送林子方》 杨万里(1127-1206) 江紹倫英譯


《Seeing Lin off from the Temple in the Morning》  Yang Wan Li (1127-1206)

‘Tis West Lake in mid-summer fully shown
Scenery no other season has known
Green lotus leaves reach far into the boundless sky
Pink lotus blooms soaked in sunshine a radiant dye

《望月懷遠》 (唐) 張九齡(678-740)__ 江紹倫英譯

海上生明月  天涯共此時
情人怨遙夜  竟夕起相思

滅燭憐光滿  披衣覺露滋
不堪盈手贈  還寝夢佳期

Pining for you in Moonlight              Zhang Jiu Ling (678-740)   江紹倫譯

The moon floods her brilliance over the ocean face
A moment shared by people in all places
While lovers complain the unending night
Yearning to see each other till dawn appears in sight

I blow out the candle the room is fully bright
I don my coat to feel the moist of dew
How I love to give you these moonbeams white
Better to return to bed to dream of you

过零丁洋 (南宋)文天祥




人生自古谁无死?  留取丹心照汗青。

Crossing Lingding Sea              Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283)

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译:

Hardship endurance began with my scripture exam,

Sporadic struggles lasting over four decades thence.

A kingdom vanquished, in the wind catkins fly.

Like duckweeds struck by heavy rain I fall and rise.

Retreat from Panic Beach tells a panicky action,

On Lingding Sea I lament my lone incarceration.

Since the beginning of time who can ever not die?

My unwavering devotion shall in history shine! 



