《贈與同窗好友_(1906)》 朱德 《To My Classmates_(1906)》 Zhu De
驪歌一曲思無窮 Many thoughts rise after we sang the Auld Lang Syne
今古興亡憶記中 Our motherland had gone through many a fall and rise
污吏豈知清似水 The beauty of pure waters is not known to officials vile
書生便應氣如虹 A learned man should be radiant as a rainbow in high sky
恨他狼虎貪心黑 I hate those greedy villains with dire selfishness
嘆我河山泣淚紅 I sigh seeing my country in teary distress
祖國安危人有責 The security of our motherland is our responsibility
沖天壯志付飛鵬 I mount the sky-bound legendary bird fly ever ready
《贈諸友_(1908) 》 《To My Friends (1908)》Zhu De
志士恨無窮 A man of character is concerned with society
孤身走西東 Single-mindedly he searches east and west
投筆從戎去 Putting books aside he joins the army roll
刷新舊國風 To create new practices in place of the old