《朱德 (1886-1976) 詩詞選》江紹倫英譯

《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》《和郭沬若同志 “登爾雅台懷人”(1944)》
《過武夷山 (1961)》《遊越秀公園 (1961)》《詠蘭 (1961)》《望雨 (1963)》
《龍門石窟 (1963)》《悼陳毅同志 (1972)》《浪淘沙·雪中過邯郸 (1954)》

《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》
 [Note: Zhu De wrote this poem at 25 years old on graduation from military college. Years later, Chiang Kai Shek admired it so much he recited it to his generals, to urge them to learn poetry to be better leaders.]
《To the Hibiscus Temple at Fragrant Hill (1911)》

已饑已溺是吾憂  I care for the perennial hunger and torment in motherland
急濟心懷幾度秋  To help uplift this common fate I had in years lent a hand Continue reading

《從化溫泉_(1959》《春節前二日由從化回廣州途中_(1959)》 朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《從化溫泉_(1959》《Hot Spring at Conghua_(1959)》Zhu De

梅花開後桃花開  Following plum flowers pears are in bloom
綠竹青松夾岸排  On the banks bamboos and green pines shown
唯有荔枝園更好  I say the best place is in the Lizi garden
林空噴出暖泉來  Where hot spring waters fill bathing ponds Continue reading

《上白雲山_(1957)》《天山雪_(1958)》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《上白雲山_(1957)》《Up to Mt. White Clouds (1957) 》Zhu De

白雲山上白雲深  Above Mt. White Clouds hanging thick clouds white
雨後春光一色新  After a spring rain the scenery shines new and bright
珠江兩岸瓊樓現  Ornate tall buildings appear on both sides of the Pearl
淨掃門庭迎國賓  Swept clean ready to welcome friends from other shores Continue reading

《為我陳毅將軍而作 (1941)》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《For General Chen Yi (1941)》Zhu De

江南轉戰又江東  You commanded battles south of the river then east
大將年年建大功  A great commander you succeed every year at ease
家國危亡看子弟  A nation in crisis her future depends on the people
河山欲碎見英雄  Hills and rills shattered a salvation gives rise to a hero Continue reading

《和董必武七絕四首 (1941)》 朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《其三》            《Four Poems Written in Harmony with Dong Bi Wu (3)》

朋輩志同意自投  Friends we are sharing the same goal and determination
團成砥柱止中流  United we form a strong column to stop the evil invasion
肅清日寇吾儕事  To rid of the Japanese thief is our noble responsibility
鷸蚌相爭笑列侯  Civil battling among brothers should be a laughing entity
Continue reading

《步董必武同志原韵两首 (第二首)_1946》 朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯


《A Poem with Comrade Dong Bi Wu Rhymes (2) 1946》Zhu De

歷年征戰未離鞍  Years in battle I have been on saddles all the time
贏得邊區老少安  Frontier people young and old are now safe and fine
耕者有田風俗厚  Every farmer owns his land a reality confirmed
仁人施政法刑寬  With kind leadership punishment for crimes is mild
實行民主真行憲  Practicing democracy and adhering to our Constitution
只見公僕不見官  We see civil servants and no powerful officials
陝北齊聲歌解放  In northern Shanxi people sing to rejoice for liberation
豐衣足食萬家歡  Rich in food and clothing all families happy in celebration

《遊七星岩_1959》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《Travelling the Seven-Star Cliffs_1959》 Zhu De

七星降人間  The seven immortals have come to dwell on earthly sight
仙姿實可攀  Their fairy peaks we could now freely climb7-Star
久居高要地  They had dwelled on lands high
仍是發沖冠  Trees and greeneries loam over their tops nigh
開心才見膽  Happily we see their bosoms opened wide
破腹任人鑽  Allowing travelers to loiter as much as they like
腹中天地闊  Inside the hills a world of wonders in space wide
常有渡人船  People paddle boats through rather than hike

《太行春感_1939》朱德(1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《太行春感_1939》朱德《Spring Thoughts at Mt. Taiheng_1939》 Zhu De

遠望春光鎮日陰  From afar the town Spring Light looks cloudy
太行高聳氣森森  The towering Mt. Taiheng has an air eerie
忠肝不洒中原淚  Dutiful sons of our motherland shed no tears leaving the central plain
壯志堅持北代心  Determined we will drive the enemy north our will pristine
百戰新師驚賊膽  The New Army in many battles has shattered Japanese guts to ruins
三年苦斗獻吾身  In three years of bitter fighting I have devoted to pursue victory
從來燕趙多豪傑  Our country has seen many heroes and fierce fighters in history
驅逐倭兒共一樽  We will drink to celebrate whence we rid of the Japan dwarfs totally

《出太行_1940》《To Friends_1941》朱德(1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《出太行_1940》《Out of Mt. Taiheng_1940》 Zhu De

群峰壁立太行頭  Mt. Taiheng’s many peaks stand like a solid wall
天險黃河一望收  Towering on the Yellow River shores seen once for all
兩岸烽煙紅似火  Battling fires on both banks burn like red fire
此行當可慰同仇  This campaign will rid of our common enemy entire

【一九四Ο年五月,經洛陽去重慶談判,中途返延安。是時抗戰緊急,內戰又起,國人皆憂。】 Continue reading

《和李印泉先生〈”七七”三週年紀念贈抗戰將士〉原韵_1940年夏》朱德 (1866-1976) 江紹倫英譯


《To Our Defense Fighters on Anniversary of Japanese Invasion (1940 summer)》Zhu De

報國仇同志亦同  We defend our motherland hates and determinations equal
精誠團結伏強戎  With unbending devotion we unite to nail the savage foe
新師少壯身猶健  A new army youthful and skilled we stand
掃寇歸來唱大風  After defeating the dwarfs we together sang Continue reading