《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》《和郭沬若同志 “登爾雅台懷人”(1944)》
《過武夷山 (1961)》《遊越秀公園 (1961)》《詠蘭 (1961)》《望雨 (1963)》
《龍門石窟 (1963)》《悼陳毅同志 (1972)》《浪淘沙·雪中過邯郸 (1954)》
《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》
[Note: Zhu De wrote this poem at 25 years old on graduation from military college. Years later, Chiang Kai Shek admired it so much he recited it to his generals, to urge them to learn poetry to be better leaders.]
《To the Hibiscus Temple at Fragrant Hill (1911)》
已饑已溺是吾憂 I care for the perennial hunger and torment in motherland
急濟心懷幾度秋 To help uplift this common fate I had in years lent a hand Continue reading