过零丁洋 (南宋)文天祥




人生自古谁无死?  留取丹心照汗青。

Crossing Lingding Sea              Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283)

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译:

Hardship endurance began with my scripture exam,

Sporadic struggles lasting over four decades thence.

A kingdom vanquished, in the wind catkins fly.

Like duckweeds struck by heavy rain I fall and rise.

Retreat from Panic Beach tells a panicky action,

On Lingding Sea I lament my lone incarceration.

Since the beginning of time who can ever not die?

My unwavering devotion shall in history shine! 





3 thoughts on “过零丁洋 (南宋)文天祥

  1. Thanks for another version. This is what translation is all about.

    Please check it under Poems by 文天祥 .


  2. Thanks, Mr. Ho. I forgot that this poem has been translated by SL Kong. I’ve moved my version under “Poems by Wen” to be juxtaposed with his.

    The references I included helped me in the translation.

    Compared with Lu Xun’s patriotic poem written as a caption to his youthful portrait photo, both poets in different eras vowed similar allegiance to the Chinese nation. Wen had been well-weathered; Lu had just returned from Japan to China in his early twenties.

    Note that the brush-written poem in the left-hand-side illustration has slightly different wording in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th sentences.


  3. may i submit another rendition, please.

    【過零丁洋】 南宋·文天祥
    辛苦遭逢起一經 , 干戈寥落四周星。
    山河破碎風飄絮 , 身世浮沉雨打萍。
    惶恐灘頭說惶恐 , 零丁洋裡嘆零丁。
    人生自古誰無死 , 留取丹心照汗青。

    Crossing Lingding Yang (Lonely Ocean) Wen Tianzhang
    (1236-1283: Southern Song Dynasty)
    Facing tumult’ous times the Book of Change I divine by;
    Our few troops fought for four long years under the starry sky.
    Our homeland’s shattered, scattered in the wind like puffy seeds;
    My life is like the floating plant, hit by rains (till it bleeds).
    Fleeing down the Beach of Fear, fear on our faces had shown;
    Sailing across the Lonely Ocean, we are so alone!
    (Tell me, my friend –) Since time began, to die who can decline?
    O Through history books in glory, let our crimson hearts shine!

    (tr. frank c w yue)

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