渺渺鐘聲出遠方 依依林影萬鴉藏
一生負氣成今日 四海無人對夕陽
破碎山河迎勝利 殘餘歲月送悽涼
松門松菊何年夢 且認他鄉作故鄉
《Remembering My Old Houses _1945》 Chen Yin Ke
The toll of bells heard faintly from a distance
Tree shadows wavy in the forest where crows roost
All my life I strive to reach where I am now at
Alone I have no kin in the four seas at this time of sunset
I greet our country’s victory seeing hills and rills in ruins
In this remaining dreary hours and years I rid off worries
My old dwellings among pines and mums appear in all dreams
My present place and my childhood house are equally homely