《與元居士青山潭飲茶》靈一 (728-762) 江紹倫英譯

TeaPoemImage1《Drinking Tea by the Mountain Pond》Lin Yi 

Beneath white clouds a spring murmurs in the wild
How I love this mount sitting to drink tea for a while
At the foot of the hill the mooring skiff is unwilling to leave
The green stream flows chattering in the eve


soup從來愛食「粗嘢」。鲍參翅肚這四種貴價海產,我欣賞鮑魚。海參,魚翅,魚肚對我無大吸引力。就算是「天九翅」,吃來也不外如是。當股票市場狂飆時,人們愛用魚翅撈飯。在我看來,這些東西不及一碟咖喱牛肉飯,一碗上湯雲呑麵, 一客上海排骨菜飯,一碟肉絲炒麵來得實惠好味度。


《過山農家》張繼(715-779) 江紹倫英譯

《Mountain Dweller》Zhang QiTea_set 

Through a plank bridge you cross the murmuring spring
A rooster crows at mid-day beneath the thatched cabin
Be impatient not baking tea leaves in gentle fire
Rejoice the blazing sun dries your harvested rice fast

《送陸鴻漸山人採茶》皇甫曾(唐) 江紹倫英譯

《Seeing Master Lu Off to Pick Teas》Huang Pu Zen

千峯待逋客  A thousand hills await Hermit Lu’s visit
香茗復叢生  Fragrant tea leaves thrive featuring tender tips
採摘知深處  He knows the best picks in the mountain deep
煙霞羨獨行  Alone he pursues following scenic leads Continue reading

《吃茗粥作》儲光羲(707-760) 江紹倫英譯

《On Eating Tea Congee》Chu GuangxiTea_set 

當晝暑氣盛  The mid-day heat is at its high
鳥雀靜不飛  Birds are too lazy to fly
念君高梧陰  I fancy you resting under a plane tree shade
復解山中衣  Your hill clothes open for cooling in haste
數片遠雲度  Clouds roam far two or three
曾不蔽炎暉  They had not shade the heat free Continue reading

《香港士碌架波王 – 姚錦慰 (肥B) 》陳柏齡(71)



《飲茶歌誚崔石使君》《飲茶歌送鄭容》皎然(730-799) 江紹倫英譯

TeaDrinking《飲茶歌誚崔石使君》皎然《Tea Drinking Song for Master Cui》Jiao Ran 

越人遺我剡溪茗  My southern friend sent me a gift of Shan Qi tea
採得金芽爨金鼎  In my kettle I boil the golden tender leaves
素瓷雪色縹沫香  The snowy white bubbles emit a fragrance so sweet
何似諸仙瓊蕊漿  It competes with the flower nectar the immortals eat
一飲滌昏寐     A first sip clears the late day drowsy head
情思爽朗滿天地  The mind happy wandering in cosmic spreads
再飲清我神     A second sip purifies the soul Continue reading