
soup從來愛食「粗嘢」。鲍參翅肚這四種貴價海產,我欣賞鮑魚。海參,魚翅,魚肚對我無大吸引力。就算是「天九翅」,吃來也不外如是。當股票市場狂飆時,人們愛用魚翅撈飯。在我看來,這些東西不及一碟咖喱牛肉飯,一碗上湯雲呑麵, 一客上海排骨菜飯,一碟肉絲炒麵來得實惠好味度。


A Little Journey on Cooking __ David Wong (64)

A little journey on cooking: pasta with baby clam sauce.Pasta_9

Many people have claimed cooking is difficult. They have a lot of questions, a lot of doubts and a lot of insecurity about the method, timing, and the procedure combinations. Let us go for a little tour of what we need to do to create something that is nutritious and easy.

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