《吃茗粥作》儲光羲(707-760) 江紹倫英譯

《On Eating Tea Congee》Chu GuangxiTea_set 

當晝暑氣盛  The mid-day heat is at its high
鳥雀靜不飛  Birds are too lazy to fly
念君高梧陰  I fancy you resting under a plane tree shade
復解山中衣  Your hill clothes open for cooling in haste
數片遠雲度  Clouds roam far two or three
曾不蔽炎暉  They had not shade the heat free
淹留膳茶粥  Please stay on to sample my tea congee
共我飯蕨薇  And my vegetable rice so tasty
敝廬既不遠  In a short distance lies my rusty shed
日暮徐徐歸  Together we walk home in the sunset

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