《遊大理崇聖寺》李道源(元) __ 江紹倫英譯

《A Visit to Sung Sen Temple at Da Li》Li Dao Yuan (Yuan Dynasty)

把茗對山雲戀戀  I sip tea facing the hill where clouds linger
看花著履雨毿毿  To view flowers in drizzles on clogs I wear
唐家舊蹟今無幾  Relics of Tang Dynasty now remain few in glamour
彈指興亡可盡談  Dynastic rise and fall can be dismissed in a flicker

《西江月》蔡松年(1127-1159)__ 江紹倫英譯

《西江月》蔡松年(1127-1159)  《Tune: Moon over West River》Cai Song Nian

古殿蒼松偃蹇              Accompanying the ancient temple are twisty pines old
孤雲丈室清深              A lone monk in his humble room ponders on life whole
茶聲破睡午風陰          Leisurely tea activities avert the drive for a mid-day snooz
不用涼泉石枕              A cool spring and a stone pillow are no longer useful tools Continue reading

《臨江仙*茶詞》劉過(1154-1206) 江紹倫英譯


《Immortals by the River * Tea Ci》Liu Guo《臨江仙 * 茶詞》

紅袖扶來聊促膝          Helped by your maid to visit we fondly chat
龍團共破春溫              Warmed by Dragon-Ball tea we share spring yet
高標終是絕塵氛          In high rectitude we rid off worldly bustles
兩箱留燭影                 Two of us share these candle shadows Continue reading

《柳梢青*茶》李處全(1134-1189) 江紹倫英譯

《柳梢青*茶》李處全(1134-1189)  《Tune: Green Willow Tendrils * Tea》Li Chu Quan

九天圓月  This famous tea called Nine Sky Moon
香塵碎玉  Ground into fine jade white dusts
素濤翻雪  Scald until bubbling snow waves billow
石乳香甘  Cool rocky creamy fragrance
鬆風湯嫩  Tender broth hailing pine breezes
一時三絕  This tea features ultimate color fragrance and taste Continue reading

《武陵春*老夫飲茗小過》楊萬里(宋) 江紹倫英譯


《Tune: Spring Peach Blossom Country *This Old Man Drank Too Much Tea》Yang Wan Li (Song Dynasty)

長鋏歸乎逾十暑          More than a decade since I put my sword to rest
著鵕鸃冠                      And don not my pheasant hat for office affairs
道是今年勝去年          People say this year is better than last year
特地減清歡                  I will spend less time in tea pleasures Continue reading

《 The Long Beach in Hong Kong 長沙 》__Rose Ho

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《醉落魄 * 辛未九月望和答慶符》胡銓(1102-1180) 江紹倫英譯

《醉落魄 * 辛未九月望和答慶符》胡銓(1102-1180)

《Tune: Drunk Unconscious * Written at Full Moon》Hu Quan 

百年强半                      Half is passed in my hundred year life
高秋猶在天南畔          In these late years I am still stationed in swampy south
幽懷已被黃花亂          My wrath is perplexed seeing how daisies thrive
更恨銀蟾                       To the silvery moon I ask for a reply
故向愁人滿                   Why to the griever you singularly shine Continue reading