《西江月》蔡松年(1127-1159) 《Tune: Moon over West River》Cai Song Nian
古殿蒼松偃蹇 Accompanying the ancient temple are twisty pines old
孤雲丈室清深 A lone monk in his humble room ponders on life whole
茶聲破睡午風陰 Leisurely tea activities avert the drive for a mid-day snooz
不用涼泉石枕 A cool spring and a stone pillow are no longer useful tools
枯木人忘獨坐 The old man sits alone in meditation
白蓮意可相尋 Where white lotus thrives in the pure land it is ascension
歸時團月印天心 Back to reality he sees the moon in cosmic central
更作逃禪小飲 He takes a brief refuge from Zen to drink tea delightful