《醉落魄 * 辛未九月望和答慶符》胡銓(1102-1180)
《Tune: Drunk Unconscious * Written at Full Moon》Hu Quan
百年强半 Half is passed in my hundred year life
高秋猶在天南畔 In these late years I am still stationed in swampy south
幽懷已被黃花亂 My wrath is perplexed seeing how daisies thrive
更恨銀蟾 To the silvery moon I ask for a reply
故向愁人滿 Why to the griever you singularly shine
招呼詩酒顛狂伴 To our patriots I invite with poetry and winey
羽觴到手判無算 Let’s drink bottom up counting not when to resign
浩歌箕踞巾聊岸 Relaxing and discarding scarves we loudly sing
酒欲醒時,興在盧同碗 Whence we wake then care for the seven bowls of Lu Tung