《陳綸緒神父(Fr. Albert Chan, S.J.) 與朋友、學生的文字情誼》

湯維強 (65) 提供詩詞書信      余晃英(61)整理

  1. 緣起

陳綸緒神父卒於2005 年,離世十年了。我在九華1961年9 月升讀中六文科班時,陳神父在校任教,但那年他只教中七文科班,之後就投身研究工作了,我與他擦肩而過,未結師生緣。2013-14 年我為好友吳茂生(66)編寫《哀思録》,認識了湯維強兄(65),從而讀到他為陳神父寫的悼文,才認識到陳神父的嘉言懿行。此外,我經由謝德富醫生(61同學) 推介,讀到林佐瀚 (港華 54)所撰的《無悔集續篇》。林視陳綸緒神父為恩師,他對陳神父的尊敬更加深我對陳神父的認識,由此促使我編纂 In Remembrance of Fr. Albert Chan, S.J. 一輯文字,作為他逝世十週年的紀念。湯兄住在美國加州洛杉磯,甚至曾親身前往墓地致祭。In Remembrance 一文刊出之後,我向湯兄問取陳神父的詩詞來閱讀,蒙他慷慨義助,傳來陳神父詩詞二十八首、陳神父朋友王景藩神父 (也是耶穌會)二首、李國標醫生 (學生)十四首,另外短簡一通。以下我以陳神父為核心,把他和朋友、學生往來之間的文字加以組織,作為他們生平為人、心跡、文采和情誼的見證。


《秋詞》劉禹錫(772-842)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Autumn Song》Lu Yu Xi

自古逢秋悲寂寥  People drag the melancholy of autumn since old
我言秋日勝春朝  I say autumn days outshine spring morns total
晴空一鹤排雲上  A single crane sours above clouds in a fine day
便引詩情到碧霄  It evokes inspiration of green skies for poets to praise

《中國行 2015_藏女賣藏茶》__陳柏齡(71)


賣茶藏女介紹自己,她受訓於台灣「慈濟全球」工程, 學習普通話的老師是台灣尼姑, 故所講普通話有濃濃的閩南口音。藏女娉娉裊裊,窈窕美人。我懷疑她從阿里山來,「高山青」的歌詞:


《溪居》柳宗元(773-819) __江紹倫英譯

《溪居》柳宗元 《My Dwelling by the Stream》Liu Zong Yuan

久爲簪組累  Bound by official girdles for many years
幸此南夷謫  I’m happy to be banished to the wild southern spheres
閑依農圃鄰  In leisure a pastoral neighbor and I make friends
偶似山林客  I am a guest with trees in the hill end to end Continue reading

《In Remembrance of Fr. Albert Chan, S.J. (1915-2005) 》compiled by Yu Fong-ying (61)

IntroductionFr Albert Chan

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Fr. Albert Chan, S.J. who died in Los Gatos, California in 2005. He entered Wah Yan College Hong Kong about 1932; before that he was in the Sacred Heart College in Canton. In July 1934 he became the first novice of the Society of Jesus in Hong Kong.* He was ordained in 1947. Both before and after his ordination, Fr. Chan taught at the Wah Yan College, in both the Hong Kong (1942-45, 54-58) and Kowloon campuses (61-62 Upper Six).   Continue reading

《贈別二首》杜牧 (803-852)__ 江紹倫英譯

《贈別二首》杜牧 《Parting (two poems)》Du Mu


娉娉裊裊十三余  Slender and graceful she is in early teens
豆蔻梢頭二月初  Like a cardamom tip with growing hints
春風十裏揚州路  Vernal breezes warm up ten miles of scenic roads
卷上珠簾總不如  Behind roll up curtains her beauty brilliantly shows Continue reading