《过故人庄》 孟浩然 (689-740) 江紹倫譯

《过故人庄》    孟浩然 (689-740)   江紹倫譯

Visiting an Old Friend in the Country
故人Meng Hao Ran (689-740) 江紹倫譯

故人具鸡黍  My old friend prepares food chicken and all

邀我至田家  Inviting me to visit him in his country hall

绿树村边合  His house sits on the edge of a lush green wood

青山郭外斜  Closely logged to a blue mountain foot

开轩面场圃  From his window fields and fields can be seen

把酒话桑麻  We chat between drinks on how crops grow so green

待到重阳日  Whence comes the Double Nine Festival next year

还来就菊花  I will again come to enjoy the chrysanthemums for sure


昨日南加州的 “風暴”, 來去匆匆。加州少有真正的風暴,與芝加哥連天風雪咆哮,真乃小巫見大巫。 ski_1

晚上一場大雪,大熊湖位於海拔七千尺的 Snow Summit 平白添多了三寸天然雪,雪降落至三千五百尺的高度。無論走哪条路,開車上「雪峰」都需要雪鍊。








據考證,才子祖籍湖南,與毛主席同省,他本姓蔣,與蔣委員長同姓。才子名德明,用了國父的族譜名字; 才子取洋名-大衛,大衛是聖經舊約的一位王者;自封筆名曼殊,因羨慕蘇曼殊之情才。



Lovers 戀人 __ 江紹倫譯

Theme Music of:            House of Flying Daggers十面埋伏 (2004)

作曲:                                             梅林茂

Song sung by Kathleen Battle

There was a field in my old town  我家鄉有一塊田地

Where we always played hand in hand   那兒我們時常手牽手一齊玩HouseOfDaggers2

The wind was gentle touching the grass   和風吹拂着青草

We were so young so fearless  我們十分年輕又無畏

Then I dreamt over and over   然後我夢想一番二番

Of you holding me tight under the stars   你緊抱着我在星空下

I made a promise to my dear Lord   我向上蒼許下重誓

I will love you forever   我將永遠愛你

Time has passed   So much has changed   世事經過多少變遷

But the field remains in my heart  但那塊田地留在我心底

Oh where are you   哦你在哪裡

I need to tell you I still love you   我要告訴你我依然愛你

You fly around me like a butterfly   你像蝴蝶在我身邊繞飛

Your voice still echoes in my heart   你的聲音仍在我心中迴響

You are my true love  你是我真心的愛人

There was a field in my old town   我家鄉有一塊田地

Where in spring all flowers bloomed wide   那兒繁花在春天競開

We were chasing butterflies   我們曾經追捕蝴蝶

Hand in hand till close of day   手牽手直至黃昏

Your voice still echoes   你的聲音仍然迴響

In my heart   在我心田

A Little Journey on Cooking __ David Wong (64)

A little journey on cooking: pasta with baby clam sauce.Pasta_9

Many people have claimed cooking is difficult. They have a lot of questions, a lot of doubts and a lot of insecurity about the method, timing, and the procedure combinations. Let us go for a little tour of what we need to do to create something that is nutritious and easy.

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