《过故人庄》 孟浩然 (689-740) 江紹倫譯
Visiting an Old Friend in the Country
Meng Hao Ran (689-740) 江紹倫譯
故人具鸡黍 My old friend prepares food chicken and all
邀我至田家 Inviting me to visit him in his country hall
绿树村边合 His house sits on the edge of a lush green wood
青山郭外斜 Closely logged to a blue mountain foot
开轩面场圃 From his window fields and fields can be seen
把酒话桑麻 We chat between drinks on how crops grow so green
待到重阳日 Whence comes the Double Nine Festival next year
还来就菊花 I will again come to enjoy the chrysanthemums for sure