夢中作 北宋 歐陽修(1007~1086)
夜涼吹笛千山月 路暗迷人百種花 棋罷不知人換世 酒闌無奈客思家
Written in My Dream Ouyang Xiu
My flute tunes invite the moon to shine on a thousand hills
The roads a maze with hundreds of flowers bloom in goodwill
Whence our chess game ends the world has changed we know it not
Drinking in leisure does not keep me from pining for home a lot
對棋與道源至草堂寺 宋 王安石(1021~1086)
北風吹人不可出 清坐且可與君棋 明朝投局日未晚 從此亦復不吟詩
To My Friend on Chess and Dao Wang On Shi
With the attack of north winds people venture out not
What a pleasure to play chess when doing naught
Not even continuing till tomorrow time is at our disposal
‘Cause we can forget writing poems in this life mortal