《桂枝香-金陵怀古》 王安石 宋(1021-1086)
登临送目 正故国晚秋 天气初肃
千里澄江似练 翠峰如簇
归帆去棹斜阳里 背西风 酒旗斜矗
彩舟云淡 星河鹭起 画图难足
念往昔 繁华竞逐 叹门外楼头 悲恨相续
千古凭高 对此漫嗟荣辱
六朝旧事如流水 但寒烟 衰草凝绿
至今商女 时时犹唱 《后庭》遗曲
Tune: Fragrance of Laurel Branch Wang An Shi (1021-1086) 江紹倫譯
I clime up high to cast eyes far
In this late autumn the old country marvelous
The weather sublime and cool
The limpid river like a belt winds a thousand li
Emerald peaks tower in vivid relief
Sails rush home as the sun sets in diminishing heat
Fluttering tavern banners against west winds compete
‘Neath pale clouds painted boats merrily float
Towards the Milky Way egrets sour up to note
A grand sight no artist can capture in brush strokes
Gone are past opulence that saw people vie
Sighs heard outdoors and in bowers high
Grieves and hates never go in demise
Many historic events viewed from a stand this high
Successes and failures in subdue murmurs nigh
Deeds of the Sixth Dynasty fade washed by river tides
Memories of cold mists and withered grass kept in mind
How songstresses today joyfully sing
And sing
Songs composed by the captive King