《擬挽歌辭 -1》__ 陶潛 (365-427)

有生必有死  早終非命促
昨暮同爲人  今旦在鬼錄
魂氣散何之  枯形寄空木
嬌兒索父啼  良友撫我哭
得失不複知  是非安能覺
千秋萬歲後  誰知榮與辱
但恨在世時  飲酒不得足

《Elegy》Tao Qian (365-427)      江紹倫譯

To live is to accept death in peace
The day will come when I last breath
Last night we are together as man
This morn we are in Ghost Registrar’s hand
Whither I wonder will go my soul
In a decaying box my body is a load
My children seek their father in grief
Friends see my corps cry and heave
Loss or gain I no longer care
Rights and wrongs not my affair
After ten thousand years have passed away
Who will know my glory or disgrace
I regret while living still
Mellow brews I fail to drink my fill

西江月 張孝祥(1132-1169)



Tune: Moon Over the West River                  Zhang Xiao Xiang (1132-1169) 江紹倫譯

Is the lakeside spring scenery still the same
It’s been three years now I’ve come again
Thanks to east wind my boat crossed the lake at ease
Strands and strands of willow caress my face like breeze

I am used to life as it floats high or low
My heart is at peace where’er I go
Water merges sky beneath the Pavilion Cold Light
Where a flock of water birds take flight

《春雨》蘇曼殊 (1884-1918) 江紹倫譯


Spring Drizzles                       Su Man Shu (1884-1918)

I stand on the terrace playing my long flute in spring drizzles
Whence could I return home to watch the Qiantong tides in loud whistles
In straw shoes and holding a begging bowl my identity here is a nullity
Amid flourishing cherry blossoms how many bridges need I cross before eternity

滿庭芳 秦觀 (1049-1100)

山抹微雲    天粘衰草    畫角聲斷譙門

暫停征棹    聊共引離尊

多少蓬萊舊事      空回首      煙靄紛紛

斜陽外      寒鴉萬點    流水繞孤村

銷魂  當此際      香囊暗解    羅帶輕分

謾赢得青樓  薄倖名存

此去何時見也      襟袖上      空惹啼痕

傷情處      高樓望斷    燈火已黃昏

Tune: Fragrant Courtyard      Qin Guan (1049-1100)           江紹倫譯

Laced clouds touch the mountains high
Widely spread bristle grass reach the end of sky
The sound of a painted bugle fades from inquisitive sight

Halt the venturous boat
Let’s drink together before parting sadness take hold

How many past events come to mind
‘Tis no use to remind
Let them vanish with passing mists and sighs

As the setting sun beyond hides
Crows appear dotting the dimming sky
Girding the lonely village the rippling river quietly glides

My soul stirs
As I loosen your fragrant pouch with a frisk search
And untie your silk girdle on urge

My actions helped me to earn a name of fame
A fickle lover of brothel lane

Now a rover I know not whence we’ll meet again
On your sleeves tears leave wasted stains

Where sorrow remains
Beyond your high bower
City lights quietly mark the looming dusk

尋陸嗚漸不遇 (730-799) 僧皎然


Visiting Master Lu Failing to See Him Home          (Tang dynasty) Jiao Ran        江紹倫譯

I visit your dwelling in solitude away from town
Through mulberries the wild path leads me down
Your fence displays new chrysanthemums waiting to grow
They are not yet in bloom although autumn will follow
I knock at your door the dog is quiet wagging its tail
West of your cabin I ask neighbours about your trail
They say you go deep into the mountain everyday
On your return you bring the retiring sun in dim ray

半死桐.鷓鴣天 賀鑄 (1052-1125)

重過閶門萬事非    同來何事不同歸

梧桐半死清霜後    頭白鴛鴦失伴飛

原上草      露初晞      舊棲新壟兩依依

空床臥聽南窗雨    誰複挑燈夜補衣

Tune: Partridge Sky      He Zhu (1052-1125)   江紹倫譯

On revisiting the capital I feel things are no longer the same
You and I came a couple why can’t we leave together again

The plane trees nearly wilt after suffering the hoar-frost
My hair hoar now ’tis hard to endure a companion lost

On the plain grass grow anew
They thirst with drying dew
How I drag to leave our old home and your grave new

On this unshared bed I pine for you listening to the pelting rain
Who will be mending my clothes by this midnight lamp again

江城子 乙卯正月二十日夜記夢 (宋)蘇軾

“O mio babbino caro” Giovacchino Forzano (1884— 1970)

Soprano aria from Puccini’s opera “Gianni Schicchi”

Sung by Montserrat Caballé: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI17VdRfCek

by Renata Scotto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tofdd1MGdaY

by Teresa Stratas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEUz2a0MeD0

by Liping Zhang:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT3LNeYqt4Q&NR=1

噢,我親愛的爹”               () 祖法奇奴.佛散奴 谱词


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Ponte Vecchio su l'Arno, Firenze 弗兰斯城阿爾奴河上的古桥

O mio babbino caro 噢,我親愛的爹
Mi piace, è bello, bello 我喜欢他,他是漂亮、漂亮的。

Vo’ andare in Porta Rossa 我想去玫瑰门珠宝店
a comperar l’anello! 买指環!
Sì, sì, ci voglio andare! 是的,是的,我想去那兒!
e se l’amassi indarno,
andrei sul
Ponte Vecchio, 我会到古桥上,
ma per buttarmi in
Arno! 投进阿爾奴河!
Mi struggo e mi tormento! 我在苦难中虛耗受罪!
O Dio, vorrei morir!
Babbo, pietà, pietà! 爹,憐恤憐恤我吧!
Babbo, pietà, pietà! 爹,憐恤憐恤我吧!

玉樓春 宋祁(998-1061)



Tune: Magnolia          Song Qi (998-1061)    江紹倫譯

Approaching town east the scenery is renowned
Rippling waters greet visiting boats up and down
In the morning chill green willows dance delight
On apricot branches pink spring riots high
In our floating life we regret having few pleasures
But we value gold more than hearty laughter
With this wine let me on your behalf ask the setting sun to stay
To leave among the awaiting flowers its most warming ray

登高 (唐)杜甫(712-770)


Up the Mountain                    Du Fu (712-770)         江紹倫譯

High sky and swift winds send gibbons wearily cry
O’er white sand in the clear river birds recurrently fly
In the boundless wood trees shed their leaves like showers
From the long river torrents roll forgetful of the hour
Ten thousand li from home I grieve this autumn my plight
Surviving lengthy illness I alone climb up this platform high
Through hard times my hair is turning white
Battling poverty I now must give up wine

闕题 (唐)劉慎虚



Title Missing              (Tang Dynasty) Liu Shen Xu               江紹倫譯

The road ends vanishing with white clouds
Spring with the long stream lingers proud
Fallen flowers float with the river this way
Their fragrance in the flowing water stay

Toward a lone mountain path my door looks on
Nestling amid green willows readings in my study prolong
The sun drops in through the branches on clear days
It leaves a sheen on my clothes with brilliant rays