重過閶門萬事非 同來何事不同歸
梧桐半死清霜後 頭白鴛鴦失伴飛
原上草 露初晞 舊棲新壟兩依依
空床臥聽南窗雨 誰複挑燈夜補衣
Tune: Partridge Sky He Zhu (1052-1125) 江紹倫譯
On revisiting the capital I feel things are no longer the same
You and I came a couple why can’t we leave together again
The plane trees nearly wilt after suffering the hoar-frost
My hair hoar now ’tis hard to endure a companion lost
On the plain grass grow anew
They thirst with drying dew
How I drag to leave our old home and your grave new
On this unshared bed I pine for you listening to the pelting rain
Who will be mending my clothes by this midnight lamp again