黄州定慧院寓居作 蘇軾(1037-1101)




Written at Dinghui Abbey      Su Shi (1037-1101)     江紹倫譯

Tune: Song of Divination

On a dwindling plain tree hangs a waning moon
The water clock stops the man remains still
Who sees a hermit pacing alone
Like an appearing and disappearing swan shadow

Startled he turns his head
With grief none would know
Scaling all trees he won’t perch on a branch dead
Preferring a lone cold sandbank instead

尋春 蘇軾(1037-1101)



Looking for Spring                 Su Shi (1037-1101)              江紹倫譯

East winds are unwilling to enter the East Gate
Looking for a familiar village I ride in haste
Like autumn swan old friends are punctual going on date
In spring dreams past events are gone leaving no trace

Three cups of wine in Riverside Town may keep me late
An old man’s warm smile urges me to hurry as I may
As we have agreed to meet every year on this day
Why my dear friend must I be so earnest to see your face

紅梅 蘇軾(1037-1101)


To Pink Mume             Su Shi (1037-1101)                江紹倫譯

You blossom late fearing grief and loving to sleep
With an icy face you are concerned for being out of date
With touches of apricot and peach rouges your face so neat
In frost or snow your lonely grace is ever on vivid display
Your heart calm and cool you will not flirt like spring
Your dimple appears naturally to enliven your jade-like face
Poets know not how to fully describe your amazing grace
They say your beauty is seen amid branches and green foliage

次北固山下 (唐)王灣 (693-751)



Passing by North Mountain               Wang Wan (693-751) 紹倫譯

Journeying by the green mountainside
My boat glides on the blue water so fine
At full tide the banks are pushed wide
Send by gentle breezes a sail hangs high

Washed in sunrise the sea leaves night behind
The river brings in spring to rid off the year old
Who will carry my letter home without delay
The wild geese are idling here in the Capital

“L’Estate” Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

夏            (意) 安东尼奧.菲凡尔迪

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国譯

For introduction, see “La Primavera” Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Listen to Vivaldi’s Summer Concerto of the Four Seasons:


With sand animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go7wlUOC5dg&feature=related

Allegro non molto – Allegro
Sotto dura Staggion dal Sole accesa
Langue l’ huom, langue ‘l gregge, ed arde il Pino;
Scioglie il Cucco la Voce, e tosto intesa
Canta la Tortorella e ‘l gardelino.
Zeffiro dolce Spira, mà contesa
Muove Borea improviso al Suo vicino;
E piange il Pastorel, perche sospesa
Teme fiera borasca, e ‘l suo destino;




Adagio e piano – Presto e forte
Toglie alle membra lasse il Suo riposo
Il timore de’ Lampi, e tuoni fieri
E de mosche, e mossoni il Stuol furioso!

柔板及緩慢 – 急板及強音



Ah che pur troppo i Suo timor Son veri
Tuona e fulmina il Ciel e grandioso
Tronca il capo alle Spiche e à grani alteri.



晚春 辛棄疾(1140-1207)


寶釵分      桃葉渡           煙柳暗南浦

怕上層樓    十日九風雨

斷腸片片飛紅      都無人管

鬢邊覷            試把花卜心期      才簪又重數

羅帳燈昏    嗚咽夢中語

是他春帶愁來      春歸何處    卻不解將愁歸去

Late Spring                 Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207)            江紹倫譯
Tune: Hearing Zhu Ying Tai

Ever since our parting
As I pass the dock at Peach Leaf
Willows drawn the south bank with grief

I dread going upstairs again
Winds and rains are seen nine days out of ten

Red petals fall one by one so heart-rending
Who would care for my feeling
Who could ask the oriels to still their singing

Steeling a glance at my hairpin on head
I count the gathered petals your returning date I anticipate
Putting the hairpin back I again count and anticipate

In my curtained bed I see but the flickering lamplight
I choke even in dreams calling you as you take flight

Could grief be so much a part of spring I say
Whither goes spring
Why it would’nt carry grief away

“Caro mio ben” Giuseppe Giordani* (1744-98)

“我至親愛的”         (意) 吉什皮.吉奧爾丹尼 曲

Tr. YK Chan 陳耀國譯 for Father’s Day

Comments:  This seemingly simple Italian art song is in the common syllabus of a voice student.  Pavarotti’s interpretation (link below) is very touching.   His anguished lamentation of misunderstood love, be it filial or romatic, is aptly expressed.  He has impeccably clear articulation and diction.  Perfetto e’ bravissimo! 

Pavarotti’s clip also include his rendition of Gluck’s Che faro’ senza Euridice (see  http://blog.wykontario.org/?p=5718)It’s a pleasant surprise as the aria is usually sung by a mezzo or countertenor nowadays.  He applies similar techniques in its interpretation.

Performed by Luciano Pavarotti     (tenor)         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB0wc0S2Q3k&feature=related

         (Including his rendition of  “Che faro’ senza Euridice?”)

By Fritz Wunderlich (tenor)         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXkY9atjQ24 (sung in F major);

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVhSr9ds204&feature=fvw (sung in G major)

By Marian Anderson (contralto)        http://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/artsong/sng/Caro%20Mio%20Ben.mp3

By Cecilia Bartoli (mezzo)         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Hlk8EDA02M&feature=related

By Ada Crossley (contralto)     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVFACAzFoVo

Marian Anderson, "Caro mio ben!"

Caro mio ben,


Credimi almen,


Senza di te languisce il cor.



Caro mio ben,


Senza di te languisce il cor.



Il tuo fedel


Sospira ognor.


Cessa, crudel,


Tanto rigor!


Cessa, crudel,


Tanto rigor!


Tanto rigor!



Caro mio ben,


Credimi almen,


Senza di te languisce il cor.



*There is evidence that the piece was actually composed by Tommaso Giordani (ca. 1738-1806; no relation).  A 1782 collection lists only the last name, and someone may have selected the wrong composer.

卜算子 (宋) 王觀




To a Departing Friend            (Song) Wang Guan     江紹倫譯

Tune: Song of Divination

Rippling waters stretch to beam the eyes
On arched brows mountains gather high
Should you ask wayfarers whither bound
Just search where beaming eyes are found

I’ve just seen spring depart
And now you and I must part
Down south if you should catch a spring day
Be sure to keep her with you always

《行路難》__(唐) 李白 (701-762)

金樽清酒鬥十千    玉盤珍羞直萬錢
停杯投箸不能食    撥劍四顧心茫然
欲渡黃河冰塞川    將登太行雪滿山
閑來垂釣碧溪上    忽複乘舟夢日邊
行路難      行路難      多歧路      今安在
長風破浪會有時    直掛雲帆濟滄海

The Road of Life is Difficult             Li Bai (701-762)         紹倫譯 

Golden bottled wine costs then thousand coins a barrel
Choice food in jade plates the same price to follow
Drinks ceased I raise my chopsticks in vain
My sword drawn I look around only to feel empty pain

I wish to cross the Yellow River it is frozen
I wish to climb Mount Taihang it is full of snow
In idle I enjoy time fishing by the blue stream
And dream of sailing a boat into the sunny horizon

The road of life is difficult
The road of life is difficult
Full of diverting paths
Whither should I go

The time will come whence I ride strong winds to cleave the waves
I will hoist my sail tall to triumph in the high sea.

《九歌-湘夫人 》__ 屈原 (前335?-前296)

九歌·湘夫人 屈原 Madam Xiang River   Qu Yuan  江紹倫譯
帝子降兮北渚 目眇眇兮愁予 On Northern Islet you descend my dear
Burdened by grief my eyes can’t see clear
袅袅兮秋風 洞庭波兮木葉下 Ceaselessly blow the autumn breezes
On the Dongting Lake flow fallen leaves
登白薠兮騁望 與佳期兮夕張 Standing on White Clover I gaze afar
Awaiting to meet you at twilight hour
鳥何萃兮蘋中 罾何爲兮木上 Could birds freely glide amid dense reeds
What can nets do on top of the trees
沅有茝兮澧有蘭 思公子兮未敢言 In green creeks orchids thrive so meek
I pine for thee daring not to speak
荒忽兮遠望 觀流水兮潺湲 Looking yonder I reach for my love of old
I see but ripples gently flow
麋何食兮庭中 蛟何爲兮水裔 How could deers find food in closed doors
What could dragons do when grounded ashore
朝馳餘馬兮江臯 夕濟兮西澨 Along riverside at dawn I hurry my steed
At dusk to ride the rapids I heed
聞佳人兮召予 将騰駕兮偕逝 Answering your call I’ve come today
Together we will ride on clouds away
築室兮水中 葺之兮荷蓋 In midstream a palace shall be made
Its roof shall have lotus weaves for shade
蓀壁兮紫壇 播芳椒兮成堂 Up its purple terrace thymes will wall
Fragrant pepper plants will spread the hall
桂棟兮蘭橑 辛夷楣兮藥房 Cassia pillars will stand like orchids upright
And rooms smell herbal fragrance of clover white
罔薜荔兮爲帷 擗蕙櫋兮既張 I shall make ivy weaves for window screens
And cover the floor with leaves so green
白玉兮爲鎮 疏石蘭兮爲芳 Cornerstones shall be made of white jade
In the air orchid fragrance shall never fade
芷葺兮荷屋 繚之兮杜衡 In lotus houses let vetch be found
With fresh azaleas blooming year round
合百草兮實庭 建芳馨兮庑門 Let the courtyard be filled with herbs of various kinds
And corridors be frequented by perfumed minds
女嶷繽兮并迎 靈之來兮如雲 I will invite the gods of mounts nine measures high
To set my soul free aboard clouds in the sky
揖餘袂兮江中 遺餘褋兮澧浦 I jump into the water awake from my dream
With clothes sleeves and all in the stream
搴汀洲兮杜若 將以遺褋兮遠者 I pick sweet flowers from the landing in the bay
To comfort whoever living far away
時不可兮驟得 聊逍遙兮容與 Time lost can’t be regained freely
Let my heart roam intensely feeling for thee