《行路難》__(唐) 李白 (701-762)

金樽清酒鬥十千    玉盤珍羞直萬錢
停杯投箸不能食    撥劍四顧心茫然
欲渡黃河冰塞川    將登太行雪滿山
閑來垂釣碧溪上    忽複乘舟夢日邊
行路難      行路難      多歧路      今安在
長風破浪會有時    直掛雲帆濟滄海

The Road of Life is Difficult             Li Bai (701-762)         紹倫譯 

Golden bottled wine costs then thousand coins a barrel
Choice food in jade plates the same price to follow
Drinks ceased I raise my chopsticks in vain
My sword drawn I look around only to feel empty pain

I wish to cross the Yellow River it is frozen
I wish to climb Mount Taihang it is full of snow
In idle I enjoy time fishing by the blue stream
And dream of sailing a boat into the sunny horizon

The road of life is difficult
The road of life is difficult
Full of diverting paths
Whither should I go

The time will come whence I ride strong winds to cleave the waves
I will hoist my sail tall to triumph in the high sea.

1 thought on “《行路難》__(唐) 李白 (701-762)

  1. hi,

    very nice rendition. may i post another one for amendments, please? thanks.

    【行路難三首之一】 李白

    Journeying Is Hard! (No. 1 of 3) Li Bai
    A small fortune is exquisite wine in bottles of gold,
    And fine food on jade plates is worth pieces of coin untold.
    I low’r my cup, drop my chopsticks, my appetite has drain’d.
    Unsheathing my sword, I look ’round at a loss and in vain!
    I’d cross the Yellow River, but blocked by ice I can’t go.
    I’d climb Mount Taihang, but the sky’s darken’d by drifting snow.
    Leisurely, I cast my fishing line into a blue stream;
    Yet, how I long to take a boat and in the sun day-dream!
    Journeying is hard.
    Journeying is hard!
    To deal with forks in the road, tell me how.
    The detours and diversions, where’re they now?
    One day, I’ll ride the long wind, break the waves, (and will be free.)
    Hoisting my sail to touch the clouds, I’ll cross the deep blue sea!


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