《雲陽館與韓紳宿別》– 司空曙 (720 – 790) __江紹倫英譯

Bidding Han Shen Adieu at Yun Yang Inn Sikong Shu 

故人江海別  We had said adieu many times on land and at sea
幾度隔山川  Separated by hills and rills our friendship firm and free
乍見翻疑夢  Meeting again we wonder if it is only in dreams
相悲各問年  Recounting our ages we console one another and beam
孤燈寒照雨  A dim lamp shines weak in the coolness of rain
濕竹暗浮煙  Deep in the bamboo grove heavy mist rises again
更有明朝恨  For the impending sorrow of parting again tomorrow
離杯惜共傳  Let us empty our cups going thorough

《喜外弟盧綸見宿》– 司空曙 (720 – 790) __ 江紹倫英譯

Enjoy Passing a Night with Cousin Lu LunSikong Shu 

靜夜四無鄰  The night silent with no neighbour in sight
荒居舊業貧  An old desolate house in the wild
雨中黃葉樹  In the rain all trees have yellow leaves
燈下白頭人  Beside a lamp we compare our grey hairs and heave
以我獨沉久  You say your life has been on the downside for a long time
愧君相見頻  How delightful are my frequent visits you reminded
平生自有分  We are brought together by destiny
況是蔡家親  Closely related we share each other’s good company

《奉濟驛重送嚴公四韻》- 杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

Du1遠送從此別    青山空复情
幾時杯重把    昨夜月同行
列郡謳歌惜    三朝出入榮
江村獨歸處    寂寞養殘生

《Seeing Lord Yan Wu off at Feng Ji Courier Station》Du Fu 

We have gone a long way and here we will say adieu
The green mountains shall witness my admiration for you
We walked hand in hand last night under the moon
Whence shall we meet to drink together again soon
Many regions of our country praise your contributive deeds
Emperors in three dynasties have recognized your feats
I will return to my home at riverside
Alone I will live quietly for the rest of my life




Wu ChengEn (1501-1582) “Woodcutter’s Song
Translated by William John Francis Jenner (b. 1940)*

Watching the chess game I cut through the rotten,
Felling trees, chop, chop.
Strolling at the edge of the cloud and the mouth of the valley,
I sell firewood to buy wine,
Cackling with laughter and perfectly happy.

By a green path in autumn,
I pillow myself on a pine root, looking up at the moon.
When I wake up it is light.
Recognizing the old forest
I scale cliffs and cross ridges,
Cutting down withered creepers with my axe.

When I’ve gathered enough to make a load
I walk down to the market with a song.
And trade it for three pints of rice.
Nobody else competes with me,
So prices are stable.
I don’t speculate or try sharp practice,
Couldn’t care less what people think of me,
Calmly lengthening my days.
The people I meet
Either Taoists or Immortals,
Quietly sitting to expound the Yellow Court.
* British sinologist/translator

《月夜憶舍弟》– 杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Remembering my younger brother at moonlit night  Du Fu 

戍鼓斷人行  Garrison drums stop all travellers at the Pass
秋邊一雁聲  A lone goose cries above the autumn frontier
露從今夜白  White dews begin to show in season this night
月是故鄉明  Nowhere as in my native land could the moon shine brighter
有弟皆分散  My younger brother is scattered without a fixed site
無家問死生  There is no way I could inquire whether he is dead or alive
寄書長不達  Letters sent to him are lost on the way
況乃未休兵  The war continues to rave its end we can only wait

《桃花谿》 唐 張旭 (?685 – 747) __ 江紹倫英譯


Whither Peach Blossom Valley  Zhang Xu

Faintly an arching bridge hangs hazily in moorland
Over yonder boulder close I ask the fisher on the west bank
Peach flower petals carried by flowing water all day long
Whither lies the cave to the legendary valley this stream long

《夕次盱眙縣》 韋應物 __ 江紹倫英譯

《夕次盱眙縣》   韋應物 (約737-792)

落帆逗淮鎮  停舫臨孤驛
浩浩風起波  冥冥日沉夕
人歸山郭暗  雁下蘆洲白
獨夜憶秦關  聽鐘未眠客

Mooring in Xuyi at Dusk  Wei Yingwu

My sail lowered I board this way-side town
To a lone pier my boat moors sound
Gales ruffle sending waves on shore
Deep into dusk the western sun is seen no more
To the dimming hillside town I gradually return
Tiring geese alight on a white reed isle they earned
Alone a traveler to home I pine
Counting distant bells through this sleepless night

《宿王昌龄隐居》 常建 __ 江紹倫英譯

《宿王昌龄隐居》  常建(生卒年不详),開元十五年(727)進士,与王昌龄同榜

清溪深不測   隱處惟孤雲
松際露微月   清光猶為君
茅亭宿花影   藥院滋苔紋
余亦謝時去   西山鸞鶴群

《Overnight at the Hermitage of Wang Changling》  Chang Jian  

A clear stream its deeps not easy to fathom
A solitary cloud keeps the hermitage a warm haven
On the tips of pine trees I see shimmers of moonshine
Its silver beams are especially for you fine
A pavilion with a thatch top nestles lacy floral shades
A garden of herbs nurtures mossy growth in shades
I too will bid timely affairs farewell
And join flocks of longevity cranes to live well

《登柳州城楼寄漳、汀、封、连四州刺史》柳宗元 (773 -819) __ 江紹倫英譯

《登柳州城楼寄漳、汀、封、连四州刺史》柳宗元 (773 -819)

城上高楼接大荒        海天愁思正茫茫
惊风乱飐芙蓉水        密雨斜侵薜荔墙
岭树重遮千里目        江流曲似九回肠
共来百粤文身地        犹自音书滞一乡 

《To Friends in Exile》  Liu Zong Yuan  

From this high tower I see only a land untamed
Between sea and sky uneasy thoughts roam with no aim
A sudden gale ruffles the pond stirring lotus in bloom
Heavy rains beat the wall where climbers leave spotty rooms
Dense trees on the hills have views in a thousand li blocked out
Like flexuous bowels rivers meander round and about
Since coming to this uncultured land
Messages between you and I stagnant sent or not sent