《夕次盱眙縣》 韋應物 __ 江紹倫英譯

《夕次盱眙縣》   韋應物 (約737-792)

落帆逗淮鎮  停舫臨孤驛
浩浩風起波  冥冥日沉夕
人歸山郭暗  雁下蘆洲白
獨夜憶秦關  聽鐘未眠客

Mooring in Xuyi at Dusk  Wei Yingwu

My sail lowered I board this way-side town
To a lone pier my boat moors sound
Gales ruffle sending waves on shore
Deep into dusk the western sun is seen no more
To the dimming hillside town I gradually return
Tiring geese alight on a white reed isle they earned
Alone a traveler to home I pine
Counting distant bells through this sleepless night

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