《宿王昌龄隐居》 常建 __ 江紹倫英譯

《宿王昌龄隐居》  常建(生卒年不详),開元十五年(727)進士,与王昌龄同榜

清溪深不測   隱處惟孤雲
松際露微月   清光猶為君
茅亭宿花影   藥院滋苔紋
余亦謝時去   西山鸞鶴群

《Overnight at the Hermitage of Wang Changling》  Chang Jian  

A clear stream its deeps not easy to fathom
A solitary cloud keeps the hermitage a warm haven
On the tips of pine trees I see shimmers of moonshine
Its silver beams are especially for you fine
A pavilion with a thatch top nestles lacy floral shades
A garden of herbs nurtures mossy growth in shades
I too will bid timely affairs farewell
And join flocks of longevity cranes to live well

題破山寺後禪院 (唐) 常建 (flor 727)

清晨入古寺  初日照高林
曲徑通幽處  禪房花木深

山光悅鳥性  潭影空人心
萬籟此俱寂  惟餘鐘磬音

A Chan Hall Behind a Temple Ruin         tr By S L Kong
I arrive at this ancient temple at first light
The morning sun shines into the forest its lofty trees bright
A bamboo- lined path leads me to a deep serene retreat
The Chan Hall is hidden in shrubs and flowers sweet

Birds chase one another in the mountain aura displaying pleasure
In the bottom of the deep mountain pool my mind finds solitude and leisure
‘Tis so quiet I find no trace of heavenly sounds here
Only temple bells toll their peel linger in the air

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