《歲暮》杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《歲暮》杜甫 (710-770)

歲暮遠為客  邊隅還用兵
煙塵犯雪嶺  鼓角動江城

天地日流血  朝廷誰請纓
濟時敢愛死  寂寞壯心驚

《Late in the Year》Du Fu

At year-end everyone feels far from home
This war continues where remote frontiers roam
Dusts stirred up by fighting cloud the Snow Mount
The sounds of drums and bugles shiver this river town

Heaven and earth bear witness to bloodshed everyday
Who is able to help keep this conflict at bay
To help win this war death I fear not
In solitude my bravery stops my death-fears not

《圖文並詠落基山國家公園》__ 余晃英 (61)

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(其一)                                                              (其二)

麗日藍天路豁開   風馳電掣不快哉                 七月繁花不沾塵   好山好水倍銷魂

湖光山色飽饗眼   人間仙境入鏡來(1)          解道此身非我有   何妨長作班芙人(2)

(1)鏡,鏡頭                                                       (2)班芙Banff

《古從軍行》 李颀 (690-751) 江紹倫英譯

古從軍行                    李颀 (690-751)

白日登山望烽火   黃昏飲馬傍交河
行人刁斗風沙暗   公主琵琶幽怨多

野雲萬里無城郭   雨雪紛紛連大漠
胡雁哀鳴夜夜飛   胡兒眼淚雙雙落

聞道玉門猶被遮   應將性命逐輕車
年年戰骨埋荒外   空見蒲桃入漢家  Continue reading

《致適之:談新舊體詩》__ 汪精衛(1883-1944)












《曉煙》《有感》__ 汪精衛(1883-1944) 江紹倫英譯


槲葉深黃楓葉紅    老松奇翠欲拏空
朝來別有空濛意    都在蒼煙萬頃中

初陽如月逗輕寒    咫尺林原成遠看
記得江南煙雨裡    小姑鬟影落春瀾

《Hazy Dawn》

Loaming over brown shrubs maple reds shine
Verdant greens in old pines dye up the sky
At dawn there is an air of mystery
The vast country veiled in heavy mist

The rising sun mimics the moon to tease the cool sphere
The tree-lined plain seen from a distance is whole and near
Remember the beauty of the south under misty rains
Maidens stay down river to wash their untied hair-buns in spring Continue reading

《夢中作》《紅葉》《坐雨》__ 汪精衛 (1883-1944) 江紹倫英譯

《夢中作 》
〔朅:音怯,句首助詞。 翛:音蕭。翛然:無拘束、超脫貌。〕

《Composed in My Dream》
An Illuminated Horizon — On a Deserted Island
My heart follows the lone sail far
My body at ease as a paddle bar
As froths dance in sunny shadows
An ensamble of rock shoots sing songs of riddles
Where the broad hazy plain meets the sky
A master crane crosses the sphere leisurely by Continue reading

《鄧尉山探梅口占》《自嘲》__ 汪精衛 (1883 – 1944) __ 江紹倫英譯


林外春山斷复延   泮冰池水乍涓涓   人家籬落歌疏處   一樹紅梅分外妍

Spring hills beyond the woods seen and unseen
Icy pond waters dripped in overflow so keen
Where within fences people sang off and on
Red plum blooms filled a tree their brilliance shone

《自嘲》汪精衛 ( 1944年于病榻)

心宇將滅萬事休   天涯無處不怨尤   縱有先輩嘗炎涼   諒無後人續春秋


Nothing matters as darkness dims my inner world
Complaints reign throughout our motherland evermore
Our fore-runners bore heat and cold for change in vehement zest
Will  new generations continue their historic cause I dare not guess

《被逮口占 – 1910》汪精衛 (1883 – 1944) __ 江紹倫英譯

《被逮口占 – 1910》  汪精衛 (1883 – 1944)


《Imprisoned – 1910》Wang Jingwei (1883-1944)

Loudly I sing in my ancient home town
Mind at ease I don on this prison gown
To the executioner’s swift sharp knife
My youthful head extends my life in strife

《贈孟浩然》李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

LiBai《贈孟浩然》李白 (701-762)

吾愛孟夫子  風流天下聞
紅顏棄軒冕  白首臥松雲
醉月頻中聖  迷花不事君
高山安可仰  徒此揖清芬

《To Meng Haoran》Li Bai

I love Meng the master teacher
A free character people fondly whisper
Putting your official hat away you show a healthy face
Resting your white-hair head among pines in no haste

You honour deserved scholars with filled wine cups in moonshine
Admiring charming flowers you leave serving your King behind
Your virtue is high like mountains too lofty to behold
I offer you my homage in fragrance in bows I show

《渡荊門送別》李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

《渡荊門送別》李白 (701-762)LiBai1

渡遠荊門外   來從楚國遊
山隨平野盡   江入大荒流
月下飛天鏡   雲生結海樓
仍憐故鄉水   萬里送行舟

《Farewell at the Thorn-gate Gorge》     By Li Bai

Leaving the Thorn Gate far away
My boat pursues an eastward way
Huge plains appear where mountains end
A big river rolls through the boundless land

Under moonshine appears an expanding mirror
Towering clouds roam o’er distant sea a mirage
This my native water my heart holds
Accompanying me ten thousand li away in my boat