林外春山斷复延 泮冰池水乍涓涓 人家籬落歌疏處 一樹紅梅分外妍
Spring hills beyond the woods seen and unseen
Icy pond waters dripped in overflow so keen
Where within fences people sang off and on
Red plum blooms filled a tree their brilliance shone
《自嘲》汪精衛 ( 1944年于病榻)
心宇將滅萬事休 天涯無處不怨尤 縱有先輩嘗炎涼 諒無後人續春秋
Nothing matters as darkness dims my inner world
Complaints reign throughout our motherland evermore
Our fore-runners bore heat and cold for change in vehement zest
Will new generations continue their historic cause I dare not guess