《渡荊門送別》李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

《渡荊門送別》李白 (701-762)LiBai1

渡遠荊門外   來從楚國遊
山隨平野盡   江入大荒流
月下飛天鏡   雲生結海樓
仍憐故鄉水   萬里送行舟

《Farewell at the Thorn-gate Gorge》     By Li Bai

Leaving the Thorn Gate far away
My boat pursues an eastward way
Huge plains appear where mountains end
A big river rolls through the boundless land

Under moonshine appears an expanding mirror
Towering clouds roam o’er distant sea a mirage
This my native water my heart holds
Accompanying me ten thousand li away in my boat

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