《贈孟浩然》李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

LiBai《贈孟浩然》李白 (701-762)

吾愛孟夫子  風流天下聞
紅顏棄軒冕  白首臥松雲
醉月頻中聖  迷花不事君
高山安可仰  徒此揖清芬

《To Meng Haoran》Li Bai

I love Meng the master teacher
A free character people fondly whisper
Putting your official hat away you show a healthy face
Resting your white-hair head among pines in no haste

You honour deserved scholars with filled wine cups in moonshine
Admiring charming flowers you leave serving your King behind
Your virtue is high like mountains too lofty to behold
I offer you my homage in fragrance in bows I show

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