《古從軍行》 李颀 (690-751) 江紹倫英譯

古從軍行                    李颀 (690-751)

白日登山望烽火   黃昏飲馬傍交河
行人刁斗風沙暗   公主琵琶幽怨多

野雲萬里無城郭   雨雪紛紛連大漠
胡雁哀鳴夜夜飛   胡兒眼淚雙雙落

聞道玉門猶被遮   應將性命逐輕車
年年戰骨埋荒外   空見蒲桃入漢家  Continue reading

《琴歌》 李頎 (690-751) __ 江紹倫譯

《琴歌 李頎 (690-751) 

主人有酒歡今夕    請奏鳴琴廣陵客
月照城頭烏半飛    霜淒萬木風入衣
銅爐華燭燭增輝    初彈淥水後楚妃
一聲已動物皆靜    四座無言星欲稀
清淮奉使千餘里    敢告雲山從此始

Dulcimer Music          Li Qi (690-751)          江紹倫譯

The host has ample wine for everybody this eve
Invited the dulcimer master plays the Guangling at ease
Toward the moonlit city wall birds flying free
The frosty wind reduces the foliages of many trees
Lamps and candelabra render the room bright
The maestro plays Green Waters then the Chu Concubine
Hearing a single melody the audience sits absolutely still
In the silence even stars disappears but a few
My mind returns to my diplomatic post a thousand li away
Dare I tell the clouds and hills here I’d rather stay

琴歌 (唐)李頎 (690-751)


Zither Music      Li Qi (690-751) 江紹倫譯

My host serves plenty of wine at this delightful night
For the Master of Gangling to show his musical might
As the moon strikes the city walls crows take flight
A penetrating wind turns all plants frosty white
The fuelled candelabra renders this spacious room bright
He first plays The Green Water then The Concubine
Everything becomes still the minute he plays the beginning bars
The audience hold their breath even stars become sparse
My thoughts hark back to the beautiful Huai Region far far away
To the clouds and hills the wonders are beginning here I must say