《歲暮》杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《歲暮》杜甫 (710-770)

歲暮遠為客  邊隅還用兵
煙塵犯雪嶺  鼓角動江城

天地日流血  朝廷誰請纓
濟時敢愛死  寂寞壯心驚

《Late in the Year》Du Fu

At year-end everyone feels far from home
This war continues where remote frontiers roam
Dusts stirred up by fighting cloud the Snow Mount
The sounds of drums and bugles shiver this river town

Heaven and earth bear witness to bloodshed everyday
Who is able to help keep this conflict at bay
To help win this war death I fear not
In solitude my bravery stops my death-fears not

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