《贈衛八處士》杜甫(712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《To Hermit Wei》Untitled2

人生不相見  How often in life we fail to meet
動如參與商  Moving like Orion and Scorpion on separate feet
今夕復何夕  This our night by lucky feats
共此燈燭光  Together by candlelight we sit
少壯能幾時  How many youthful days can we count
鬢發各已蒼  Before grey hairs on our heads mount Continue reading

《Science, Séance and Red Herring: Reflections on a life in microbial science II》__ Yiu-Kwok Chan

Easing into Public Service in Scientific Research 

As a public servant at the Research Branch of Agriculture Canada in Ottawa, I had little direct communication or contact with the public, which was handled mainly by management made up of administrators who had various previous research experiences.  Because of bureaucratic reasons, I was soon sent to take full-time French classes to fulfill the bilingual requirement (at the intermediate level) of the specific position.  Luckily, I satisfied this requirement on passing the first exam in the shortest possible time. …..

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《無家別》杜甫 (712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《No Kin to Say Adieu》

寂寞天寶後  Ever since the Tianbao Rebellion in the last reign
園廬但蒿藜  Homes and gardens deserted pigweeds thrive in rain
我裏百餘家  For the hundred families in my hometown
世亂各東西  All had fled the confusion east or west bound
存者無消息  Among those living no news is available
死者為塵泥  The dead had become dust and mud not noble
賤子因陣敗  Defeated at the front I have returned Continue reading


袁枚: 莫唱當年長恨歌/人間亦自有銀河/石礞村里夫妻別/淚比長生殿上多

Peter 一邊與客人按脚,一邊抬起頭來與進門的墨西哥夫婦打招呼。他所學的英文剛夠用,不多也不少,足够打理這【唐朝浴足】…..

Peter 是東北漢子,身材高大,一表人才。長一道劍眉有橫掃千軍之勢。老婆在哈爾濱,未能出國。他轉業了,從保家衛國的士兵轉業,成為異鄉浴足師傅。…..

不知何時,Peter 從揚州師傅那邊學會修脚。掦州的三把刀: 菜刀,理髮刀,修脚刀,他偷了一把。身懷這「肉上雕花」手藝,…..

Peter 說,做浴足師傅收入不错,月進三千美元不難,重要是能放下面子。試想,大男人恭恭敬敬地與人洗腳,一般人做不了。…..




簡述杜魯多的教育過程,有助我們了解他的理想和勇果,他的執着和實現主義行為。他的中學和大學教育都是精英式的。1940年以後,他歷經滿地可大學,倫敦大學,巴黎大學和哈佛大學的研究院教育,專修法律學和經濟學。然後,同樣重要,他於1948-49年的一年之中,環遊了全球大小國家,包括中國,用了八百加元。這些步行和機動腳踏車的個人遊歷,讓他體會到許多落後國家人民的困苦和無奈,成為他日後塑造公正社會(Just Society)理想的根基。他又發動地球「南北球國家」互識互助政策的運作;排除西方國家敵對而破格提早承認中華人民共和國;反對法裔加拿大人要求魁北省獨立成為宗主國家;以及夢想實現多元文化主義(multiculturalism)。


 《客亭》《舟前小鵝》《又呈吳郎》《江邊星月二首》杜甫(712-770)  江紹倫英譯

《客亭》《Passing Lodge》

秋窗猶曙色  Tis an autumn dawn outside the window
落木更天風  Through the naked trees whipping winds blow
日出寒山外  From beyond the cold hills the sun rises
江流宿霧中  Amid lingering fogs the river meanders nigh
聖朝無棄物  Our Imperial Court abandons no one resourceful
老病已成翁  Sickness and aging have made me unable
多少殘生事  What else could be important in a life dwindling
飄零似轉蓬  Everything drifts willing or unwilling Continue reading

《無題》《遊華山感懷》《詠華山》《柳老渡台來訪》張學良 (1910-2001) 江紹倫英譯

《無題》  《No Title》

自古英雄多好色  All heroes love beauties since old
好色未必皆英雄  Not all beauty lovers are mighty and bold
吾輩雖非英雄漢  Though a hero I am not
唯有好色似英雄  I love beauties as a hero ought Continue reading

《山石》 韓愈 (768-824) 江紹倫英譯

《Mountain Rocks》Han Yu

山石犖確行徑微  The mountain path is narrow between jagged rocks craggy
黃昏到寺蝙蝠飛  Bats flutter overhead as I arrive at the temple toward eve
升堂坐階新雨足  After the stairs I sit down my feet are wet with rain
芭蕉葉大梔子肥  Broad leaf banana trees grow beside fat elecampane
僧言古壁佛畫好  A monk shows me the Buddha murals on an ancient wall
以火來照所見稀  He illuminates the art work magnificent and tall
鋪床拂席置羹飯  My bed is prepared and a meal is carefully set
疏糲亦足飽我饑  The coarse rice and vegetables keep me adequately fed Continue reading

《自詠三十九歲》 黃克強(1874-1916) 江紹倫英譯

《Sing to Thirty-nine Years》 Huang Keqiang

三九年知四十非  At thirty-nine I ought to know not to err next year
大風歌罷不如歸  Better return to Nature and keep memories of yesteryear
驚人事業隨流水  Most astonishing accomplishments trickle away
愛我園林想落暉  I love to appreciate my garden and trees in sunset rays Continue reading

《Science, Séance and Red Herring – Reflections on a life in microbial science》YK Chan (65)

Part 1 – Early and late Canadian life

Two historical world events dominated international news in the mid 1960s as the Vietnam War was at its peak, and the tsunami of the Chinese Cultural Revolution was rippling into Hong Kong.  The latter’s violent mass movement was sending Mainland Chinese youths and liberal intellectuals into an odyssey.  Shortly afterwards, like several of my innocent Wah Yan classmates, I plunged into Winnipeg in this great north from the subtropical climate in Hong Kong to pursue post-secondary studies after matriculation.  Unlike most of my matriculation science classmates, I had no intention or interest to enter medical school.  Since then, living in Canada has been offering me the taste of changing seasons as musically painted in Vivaldi’s four violin concerti.  Perhaps, variety is the spice of life that embellishes it with brilliance and colours.

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