
《南北》瞎堂遠(宋 1103-1176)《North and South》Xia Tong Yuan 

南北東西老趙州  Master Zhao says he is all directions
見人騎馬也騎牛  People who ride on horses can also ride on oxen
清風月下尋歸路  A clear moon and gentle breezes can help me find my home
夫子門前問孔丘  Asking about Confucius is same as standing in his room Continue reading

《A Father’s Speech at his Son’s Wedding Dinner (2), April 25, 2015》__Yu Fong-ying (61)


“Kim and David, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I’ve been looking for a phrase that sums up adequately my state of mind today. I found it in a book by C. S. Lewis, quoting Wordsworth, called “Surprised by Joy”. The phrase by itself just about sums things up for me. I would like to share with you the reasons why.
David has so far given his parents, May and I, a fair measure of surprises.

Continue reading…”

《Old Joe – My Gardener》__ 陳柏齡(71)

引子JoeMarlboroOld Joe

七十年代未禁煙,世人還未視吸煙乃洪水猛獸,醫生還未把所有絕症歸咎於抽菸。某煙草公司創造了一個卡通人物,Old Joe Camel, 駱駝Joe 戴黑眼鏡,抽香菸,全身散發着一股smooth character 氣質。市場競爭者要用 Old Joe Camel 與 Marlboro Man 牛仔鬼一較高下。萬寶路人勇敢粗獷,Wild Wild West 墾荒人是美國人心目中的英雄。市場調查結果: 駱駝Joe大勝萬寶路人,Joe的形象深入民心,尤其年輕人,看到Old Joe是桌球高手,香車美人且擁有私人飛機,無憂無慮地享受醇酒佳餚人生,大多數人想當Old Joe,那有心機做翻山涉水,用牛仔繩圈捕野馬的萬寶路 “英雄”。

(一) 我是在那時候搬進這兩房一廳的房子,也是那時候認識Old Joe的。房子小,但前園大,非要花王打理不行。Joe是以前屋主的花王,他便順理成章地做了我的花王。閱讀全文

《羊石雜詠十絕》葉劍英(1987-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《羊石雜詠十絕 (1921)》 《Ten Poems at Goat City》


晚風涼抹粉牆東  Evening breezes cool the white walls east
碎步微吟韻小蟲  I amble singing to rhyme with insect songs at ease
為數歸鴻抬星眼  To count how many geese are returning I eye the sky
一枝春在小樓紅  A single flowering branch shows at my bower nigh

(3) Continue reading

《調笑令‧會場素描》《鬆園》《題畫竹》《回梅縣探老家》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《調笑令‧會場素描》《Tune: For a Laugh–Scene of a Meeting》 

頭重  Heads heavy
頭重  Heads heavy

四個小時聽眾  A four-hour long listening audience
腰斜眼倦腸饑  Bodies bent eyes tired and guts empty
左手頻看計時  Peeping at the watch frequently

時計  Watch peeping
時計  Watch peeping
有點猿心馬意  Monkey thoughts and steed images wandering Continue reading


《無題》佛鑑慧懃(元1320-1376)《No Title》Fu Jian

堂堂氣宇走雷霆  Head held high his charisma commands thundering
凜凜威風掬霜雪  His solemn air heralds frost and snow winds blowing
將軍下令斬荊蠻  The general orders the execution of men evil
神劍一揮千裏血  His sword swings up a thousand mile of blood-flow Continue reading


《無題》濟顛道濟 (1150-1209)《No Title》Ji Dian Daoji

出岸桃花紅錦英  Marking the river banks red peach blossoms burn blight
夾堤楊柳綠絲輕  Willow tendrils wave on the dyke tender green and light
遙看白鷺窺魚處  Where a white crane picks up a fish and flies away
立破平湖一點青  The water stirred and returns to its usual way Continue reading