《南北》瞎堂遠(宋 1103-1176)《North and South》Xia Tong Yuan
南北東西老趙州 Master Zhao says he is all directions
見人騎馬也騎牛 People who ride on horses can also ride on oxen
清風月下尋歸路 A clear moon and gentle breezes can help me find my home
夫子門前問孔丘 Asking about Confucius is same as standing in his room
《隱隱》斷橋倫(宋 1201-1261)《Vaguely》Duan Quao Lun
隱隱烟村聞犬吠 Vaguely I hear dogs bark from a distant village
欲尋尋不見人家 The family I try to visit lies in a maze
忽於橋斷溪回處 Where a bridge stands over a murmuring brook
流出碧桃三四花 A few peach flowers on the water float