《無題》佛鑑慧懃(元1320-1376)《No Title》Fu Jian
堂堂氣宇走雷霆 Head held high his charisma commands thundering
凜凜威風掬霜雪 His solemn air heralds frost and snow winds blowing
將軍下令斬荊蠻 The general orders the execution of men evil
神劍一揮千裏血 His sword swings up a thousand mile of blood-flow
《甕頭》佛鑑慧懃)《The Wine Urn》Fu Jian
甕頭酒熟人皆醉 Everyone gets drunk with new brew from the urn
林上烟濃花正紅 Flowers bloom red in the forest with fogs on
夜半無燈香閣靜 The quiet bower is dark after midnight
秋千垂在月明中 In the garden a swing hangs still in moonshine
《醉乘》中峰明本 (元1263-1323)《Rides When Drunk》Zhong Feng Minben
醉乘白鶴登銀闕 Drunken I ride the white crane up the silvery way
夢跨青鸞入絳宮 On the bluebird I dream to the Fairy Land to stay
酒醒眼開俱不見 Awake with open eyes I see those beauties no more
一川桃李自春風 Students stream to me eager to learn as winds roar
《和梁山十牛頌 — 騎牛歸家》楚石梵琦 (元1296-1370)
《Riding the Ox Home》Chu Shi Fanqi
前坡咫尺是儂家 My home lies near at the slop of the hill
疊疊春山橫暮霞 Layers of spring beauties veiled in eve hue
好個歸來時節子 The time is right to go home
一鉤新月掛簷牙 To watch the new moon above my room
《聞子規》楚石梵琦 《Cuckoo Cries》Chu Shi Fanqi
啼來啼去一聲聲 Cuckoos cry and cry in continuation
卻笑離人不解聽 They seem to laugh at wanderers knowing not to station
何處故鄉歸未得 Where home for the prodigal son be seen
白雲空鎖亂山青 Locked by clouds disarray hills remain green
《山樓秋夜》遇庵智及 (元1311-1378)
《Bower in the Mountain at Autumn Night》Yu An Zhiji
月色白如晝 Moonshine keeps the world in daylight
松陰多似雲 Even pine shades appear like clouds white
窗虛山欲墮 My window opens to a mountain scene
燈灺夜初分 A burning lamp keeps the night in beam
河影中天見 At midnight the Milky Ways vividly seen
泉聲隔樹聞 Beyond the woods murmurs the songs of a stream
小樓成獨坐 I sit in my bower alone my mind serene
此景與誰論 Who would like to share with me this beauty pristine
《山居》憨山德清 (明1546-1623)《Mountain Living》Han shan Deqin
松下數椽茅屋 Below the tall pines cabins are few
眼前四面青山 Overlooking the area are many green hills
日月升沈不住 Sun and moon revolve in turns incessantly
白雲來去常閒 Clouds in white and grey come and go leisurely
《夜來》晦台元鏡 (明1577-1630)《Night Fall》Hiu Tai Yuanjing
夜來獨自上西樓 Alone I ascend the west bower as night falls
卻喜新秋月正幽 Pleased to see the new moon hanging tall
試把玉簫吹一曲 I try to play a tune with my flute in jade
惹他寒心多少愁 O how sorrows chill the heart in haste