《為柳亞子題詩_1945.12.8》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《To Liu Ya Zi (1945.12.8)》 Zhu De

莫將勝利歸麟閣Zhu De2
Deeds of victory belongs not the Hall of Fame for Ministers
We are soldiers of the people our identity simpler
We love not riches nor do we fear death
For democracy we build a new Great Wall in defense

《和董必武同志“三台即景”_1940年》朱德 (1886-1976) __江紹倫英譯

《On the Triple Terrace – Harmony with Comrade Dong Bi Wu (1940) 》Zhu De

秋初日暖看飛鴻  On an early autumn warm day we watch the wild geese
延水青山在眼中  The frontier rills and green hills we vividly see
赤足渡河防驟雨  Crossing the river in bare feet we avoided a sudden attack
科頭失帽遇狂風  Against the brisk wind our caps fly away from our heads Continue reading

《擬杜甫 “諸將五首” 其一》 朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹論英譯

《擬杜甫“諸將五首”其一》 朱德

【漢朝陵墓對南山/  胡虜千秋尚入關/ 昨日玉魚蒙葬地/  早時金碗出人間/ 見愁汗馬西戎逼/  曾閃朱旗北斗殷/ 多少材官守涇渭/  將軍且莫破愁顏】

《Mt. Lun the Chinese Spirit_1916》Zhu De 江紹論英譯Zhu De1

中華靈氣在侖山  On Mt. Lun lives esprit chinois
威勢飛揚鎮遠關  It rises mighty to watch the frontiers far
史穢推翻光史冊  A shameful era ended our history books in review
人權再鑄重人間  Humanity enriched with human rights renewed
千秋漢業同天永  A thousand years of Han culture will thrive eternal;
五色旌旗映日殷  In sunshine our five-color flag flashes formal
多少英才一時見  How many elite sons appear on a day like this
諸君愛國應開顏  They show their patriotism laughing heartily

《贈與同窗好友》《贈諸友 》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹論英譯

《贈與同窗好友_(1906)》 朱德  《To My Classmates_(1906)》 Zhu DeZhu De

驪歌一曲思無窮  Many thoughts rise after we sang the Auld Lang Syne
今古興亡憶記中  Our motherland had gone through many a fall and rise
污吏豈知清似水  The beauty of pure waters is not known to officials vile
書生便應氣如虹  A learned man should be radiant as a rainbow in high sky
恨他狼虎貪心黑  I hate those greedy villains with dire selfishness
嘆我河山泣淚紅  I sigh seeing my country in teary distress
祖國安危人有責  The security of our motherland is our responsibility
沖天壯志付飛鵬  I mount the sky-bound legendary bird fly ever ready

《贈諸友_(1908) 》 《To My Friends (1908)》Zhu De Continue reading

《費天王(Roger Federer)》__ 陳柏齡 (71)


自從2012 年拿下溫布頓冠軍,費特拿與大滿貫絕緣。今年的美國公開賽,他的勁敵全遭淘汰,奪冠機會大增。可惜他在準决赛中敗北,輸給了年輕選手。 上月上海舉辦的ATP1000 大師級賽事, 費特拿雄風依然奪冠,重上世界排名第二。


《蝶戀花·榆林港(一九五九)》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

ye jian ying《蝶戀花·榆林港(一九五九)》葉劍英

日逐寒流尋雁去  風雪關山  不礙雲中路
飛到榆林天已暑   夏秋只隔三朝暮

到鹿回頭濱海處  紅豆離離  佔斷天涯路
淺水藍魚梭樣去   教人疑是龍宮女

《Tune: Butterfly loves flowers_On Yu Lin Port (1959)》Ye Jian Ying Continue reading

《秋夕旅懷》李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

《秋夕旅懷》   《Thoughts Away from Home on an Autumn Night》Li Bai

涼風度秋海  Blowing across the autumn sea winds cool
吹我鄉思飛  I pine for my homeland feelings flew
連山去無際  Continuous mountain range to nowhere extend
流水何時歸  Waters flow incessant their return who knows when Continue reading