《擬杜甫“諸將五首”其一》 朱德
【漢朝陵墓對南山/ 胡虜千秋尚入關/ 昨日玉魚蒙葬地/ 早時金碗出人間/ 見愁汗馬西戎逼/ 曾閃朱旗北斗殷/ 多少材官守涇渭/ 將軍且莫破愁顏】
《Mt. Lun the Chinese Spirit_1916》Zhu De 江紹論英譯
中華靈氣在侖山 On Mt. Lun lives esprit chinois
威勢飛揚鎮遠關 It rises mighty to watch the frontiers far
史穢推翻光史冊 A shameful era ended our history books in review
人權再鑄重人間 Humanity enriched with human rights renewed
千秋漢業同天永 A thousand years of Han culture will thrive eternal;
五色旌旗映日殷 In sunshine our five-color flag flashes formal
多少英才一時見 How many elite sons appear on a day like this
諸君愛國應開顏 They show their patriotism laughing heartily