《秋夕旅懷》 《Thoughts Away from Home on an Autumn Night》Li Bai
涼風度秋海 Blowing across the autumn sea winds cool
吹我鄉思飛 I pine for my homeland feelings flew
連山去無際 Continuous mountain range to nowhere extend
流水何時歸 Waters flow incessant their return who knows when
目極浮雲色 I search from the floating clouds for a signal
心斷明月暉 My heart breaks the bright moon points to no road
芳草歇柔豔 My love remains away gentle and beautiful
白露催寒衣 White dews will hurry her sending me winter clothes
夢長銀漢落 My dream lasts so long even the galaxy dims in wait
覺罷天星稀 Whence I wake only a few stars in the blue sky stay
含悲想舊國 In grief my mind goes to my home country
泣下誰能揮 Who could help me stop from weeping