

孔子的智慧透徹簡易地闡明人的心理本質和應用,我認為他是古今一貫的傑出人文心理學家。今天,當後現代社會把人類生活和關係片碎化(fragmentation),當國際和平受着不停又殘酷的戰爭所破壞,當人的狀況(human condition)備受偏見,利益爭奪,倫常秩序混亂,消費主義損害地球生態的自然生息,我們認真地學習孔子的教誨,很有幫益,為己可以平衡心境,為公可以改善人類的前途。1989年前後,聯合國教科文組織關心人類怎樣於廿一世紀健康持續生存,多次廣召學者共同研究對策。結果,大家取得共識,建議人類向2500年前的孔子學習仁愛行為。





春到南樓雪盡  驚動燈期花信  小雨一番寒  倚闌幹

莫把闌幹倚  一望幾重煙水  何處是京華  暮雲遮

Moqi Yong
Tune: Lament of Princess Zhao Jun    江紹倫譯

Snow gone when spring arrives at Southern Bower
Flower Fest and Lantern Days are here
A light rain brings back the chill
I lean on the rail

To what avail do I lean on the rail
I see only multiple folds of misty hills
Where is my old Capital
Behind the veil of evening clouds hanging tall

書湖陰先生壁—王安石 (公元1021一1086)


Written on the Wall of  Master Hu Yin                江紹倫譯

The cabin is swept spotlessly clean no moss will grow
Shrubs and flowers line the yard he planted with a single hoe
A stream nurtures the paddy fields brazing ever so green
Distant hills open the door their verdant beauty dwells in

「登岳阳楼」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「登岳阳楼」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

昔闻洞庭水  今上岳阳楼  吴楚东南坼  乾坤日夜浮
亲朋无一字  老病有孤舟  戎马关山北  凭轩涕泗流

Ascending Yueyang Pagoda   Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

I have been aware of Lake Dongting for long
Today I ascend Pagoda Yueyang
Here the ancient south and eastern states disunite
Here sun and moon float in cycles day and night

No words from kinfolks and friends for years
A boat keeps me company in my declining years
On the northern frontier wars continue to rage
Leaning on rails tears on my face incessantly rain

「江汉」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「江汉」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

江汉思归客   乾坤一腐儒   片云天共远   永夜月同孤
落日心犹壮   秋风病欲疏   古来存老马   不必取长途

On the Han River    Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

I yearn for home drifting on the Han River
Caring not for world affairs a bookish scholar
Roaming about like clouds in the boundless sky
I stay up nights with the solitary moon nigh

With each setting sun I hold my spirit high
No sickness invade me as autumn winds blow
Old horses are cared for since time immemorial
They need not run long distance I was told

「绝句二首」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「绝句二首」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

迟日江山丽  春风花草香  泥融飞燕子  沙暖睡鸳鸯

江碧鸟逾白  山青花欲燃  今春看又过  何日是归年

Two Quatrains   Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯


Late in the day the sun lingers o’er a beautiful scene
In the vernal breeze sweet grass and flowers scent serene
Swallows nest picking newly thawed mud busily
Basking on warm sand a pair of love birds doze happily


O’er the blue river birds appear especially white
Blooming flowers their colours on green hills highlight
It is time for this spring to leave
Whence shall I be able to return home for thee

「赠花卿」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「赠花卿」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

锦城丝管日纷纷  半入江风半入云
此曲只应天上有  人间能得几回闻


To General Hua   Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

Music of strings and flutes keeps the Silk Town aloud
Half of the tunes waft with the wind half reach the cloud
Such beautiful music should only be heard in celestial spheres
How often could it be played for human ears

长相思__万俟咏 (1100 -?)

長相思(雨)萬俟咏 (?-?)…………….粤语:萬俟[mak6 kei4 ] 音[ 陌奇]

一聲聲  一更更
窗外芭蕉窗裏燈  此時無限情

夢難成  恨難平
不道愁人不喜聽  空階滴到明

Tune:  Eternal Longing (rain)   Moqi Yong  (?-?)  江紹倫譯

Drip after drip
Hour after hour
I wait by the candlelight
Listening to raindrops beat banana leaves outside
I long for you every night

No dreams
Nor ease of sorrow
Rains care not how I dislike sounds they make
They beat the marble steps till morning

浣溪沙__秦觀 (1049-1100)

浣溪沙__秦觀 (1049-1100)

漠漠輕寒上小樓  曉陰無賴似窮秋  淡煙流水畫屏幽

自在飛花輕似夢  無邊絲雨細如愁  寶簾閒掛小銀鉤

Tune: Silk Washing Stream   Qin Guan (1049-1100)  江紹倫譯

A slight cold pervades up in the bower
A gloomy spring morn feels like a late autumn hour
A stream veiled in mist is seen in the painting on the wall

Contented dancing petals fly light as a dream
Incessant drizzles drizzle true to sorrow
The broider curtain on silver hook hangs idly till morrow

「闻官军收河南河北」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「闻官军收河南河北」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

剑外忽传收蓟北  初闻涕泪满衣裳  却看妻子愁何在  漫卷诗书喜欲狂
白日放歌须纵酒  青春作伴好还乡  即从巴峡穿巫峡  便下襄阳向洛阳

On News of Victory North and South of the Big River    Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

Hearing the big news that we have recaptured the Northern Gate
I have my gown soaked wet with tears to welcome my new fate
No sorrowful emotion is seen in my wife’s face
I roll up my books to prepare for going home not a minute late

In old age I can still express my ecstasy singing and drinking
Heading home I am happy to be accompanied with spring
Through the Three Gorges from Ba to Wu I sail
Down to Xiangyang to Luoyang I’ll be home safe