浣溪沙__秦觀 (1049-1100)
漠漠輕寒上小樓 曉陰無賴似窮秋 淡煙流水畫屏幽
自在飛花輕似夢 無邊絲雨細如愁 寶簾閒掛小銀鉤
Tune: Silk Washing Stream Qin Guan (1049-1100) 江紹倫譯
A slight cold pervades up in the bower
A gloomy spring morn feels like a late autumn hour
A stream veiled in mist is seen in the painting on the wall
Contented dancing petals fly light as a dream
Incessant drizzles drizzle true to sorrow
The broider curtain on silver hook hangs idly till morrow