「登岳阳楼」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)
昔闻洞庭水 今上岳阳楼 吴楚东南坼 乾坤日夜浮
亲朋无一字 老病有孤舟 戎马关山北 凭轩涕泗流
Ascending Yueyang Pagoda Du Fu (712-770) 江紹倫譯
I have been aware of Lake Dongting for long
Today I ascend Pagoda Yueyang
Here the ancient south and eastern states disunite
Here sun and moon float in cycles day and night
No words from kinfolks and friends for years
A boat keeps me company in my declining years
On the northern frontier wars continue to rage
Leaning on rails tears on my face incessantly rain