《秋興八首__其一, 其三》杜甫 (712–770) 江紹倫英譯

玉露凋傷楓樹林   巫山巫峽氣蕭森
江間波浪兼天湧   塞上風雲接地陰
叢菊兩開他日淚   孤舟一系故園心
寒衣處處催刀尺   白帝城高急暮砧

《Eight Autumn-Songs #1》Du Fu
The red maple grove stands subdue when white dews arrive
Mt. Wu and its gorge appear in clear view and pride
The river’s surging waves almost touch the sky
Winds and clouds above the Pass sweep the grounds by
Chrysanthemums bloom again and again weeping for lost time
On a lone skiff I sail to my motherland my heart is tied
Everywhere loving mothers make winter clothes in haste
Ironsmiths pound their hot wares stopping not at the end of day

千家山郭靜朝暉   日日江樓坐翠微
信宿漁人還泛泛   清秋燕子故飛飛
匡衡抗疏功名薄   劉向傳經心事違
同學少年多不賤   五陵衣馬自輕肥

《Eight Autumn-Songs #3》Du Fu
A thousand families in multiple houses sit quietly in the morning
On my bower beside the river I watch all day the hills green
Overnight the fisherman keeps his boat mooring at ease
At this clear autumn swallows return home finding peace
Kuang Heng submitted his Memorials winning little praise
Liu Xiang promoted the Classics his wish not realized
In youth my classmates belonged to families not poor
Dwelling in the Capital they look down on furs and fat horses

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